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CT-50 (2014) – Tyler Bramlett

For The First Time EVER… Using These Newly Re-Discovered Techniques Means:

  • No more long, boring workouts, treadmill torture, or frustrating “plateaus”…
  • No more struggling to keep up with DVD fitness models shouting at you to “Bring It!”…
  • … Just a PROVEN System YOU can actually do from HOME – without a trainer – because it automatically ADAPTS to make sure you are burning maximum fat, week after week!
  • AND… The best part is… It’s ONLY gonna take you 45 Minutes (OR LESS) per week!

DO NOT EXERCISE AGAIN Before You Read This No-Fluff Report By Functional Training Expert Tyler Bramlett – And Find Out Why So Many Trainers And Fitness ‘Experts’ Wish He Would “Just Keep Quiet!”

Purchasing CT-50 (2014) – Tyler Bramlett course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.

From the Desk of Tyler Bramlett

November 21, 2014

“Obese. That word hit me so hard, I nearly lost my breath.”…

“Finally one day, I saw a picture of myself… and I was disgusted with the way I looked.”…

So many of my clients come to me with this same frustrating story…

They haven’t necessarily struggled with their weight all their lives… They may have never seen their abs or fit into the ultimate “skinny jeans,” but they thought they were at least “average”…

And one day, they step on the scale, a doctor, friend or relative drops a comment… or they see a photo on Facebook, and that’s when it suddenly becomes real:

All of a sudden, they’re not just “out of shape”… their “ideal weight” seems practically on the other side of the scale – and they feel like they’re on a slippery slope with no idea how it started… or how to stop it.

What’s WORSE… even people who fight their hardest to change course and get their old body back end up trying and failing with so many fad diets, “extreme” workouts and shady supplements…

… they end up feeling like they’re not only overweight, but LAZY, too – because suddenly they’re just a statistic.

One of the 2 out of 3 obese Americans… one of the 82% of people who sign up for a gym membership and never use it… who just don’t have the “willpower” to get thin.

But not everyone fails…

And for 99% of those who do succeed, the difference has nothing to do with genetics, how much time they spend in the gym, or how much they “want it.”

Instead… It has everything to do with the secret I’m about to share with you…

It’s The Dirty Little Secret Behind
The World’s Most ‘Perfect’ Bodies…

Let me ask you a question…

Have you ever seen a pro athlete, a fighter or a gymnast with a bad body – heck, with anything short of an amazing body?

Of course the answer is NO, right?

You probably see their physiques spotlighted on magazine covers and think, “If I could just look half that good, it would be fantastic!” Well… I did too.

And… that’s why I’m writing to you today…

Because while I can’t and won’t promise you’ll ever have a “magazine cover” body…

… I CAN show you how to use just enough of the same secret to look better than you’ve ever looked before (and better than almost anybody you see walking down the street in real life)…

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… just by using ONE simple secret.

Even if you think you’re hopelessly out of shape and you don’t have an “athletic” gene in your entire family tree.

How can I promise you that?

Because the key to an amazing-looking body is actually much simpler than you might think from reading fitness magazines, or listening to fat-loss infomercials and most personal trainers at your local gym.

In fact, using this secret is so simple, it might seem “obvious” – until you realize, like I did, that not one person in 100 actually uses it…

In just three words –
That Secret is… Form Follows Function.

What that means is, you don’t need to worry about how long your workouts are… how much time you spend exercising every week… or how many “reps” or “intervals” you can squeeze in at the gym.

Instead, your results depend 100% on the EXACT SIGNALS you are sending to your body about how you want it to look. Let me explain…

Remember the bull from the beginning of this article?

Here’s how the ancient story (about a bull) holds the secret to your body transformation…

Back in 536 BC, there was a man by the name of Milo from the Greek city of Croton.

He was a 6 time Olympic champion and his physique was so impressive that his story is still around today over 2,600 years after he died!

As the story goes, Milo built his legendary physique by training with a baby calf…

He would lift this calf up on his shoulders and carry it every single day and… as the calf turned into a bull, Milo sent a loud and clear signal to his body that forced his physique to change.

The ancient secret Milo discovered, is that the way your body looks right now, does NOT depend on the length or intensity of your workouts or some fancy diet program. In fact…

The ONLY Way To Permanently Transform
Your Body Is To Send It Loud And Clear
Body Transformation Signals!

Let me show you what this means…

Imagine that you were alive 5,000 years ago. You’re out one day, walking through the forest, when all of a sudden a giant Grizzly Bear jumps out behind you… and he looks hungry!

Heart pounding, you sprint as fast as you can in the other direction and climb the nearest tree…

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What “signal” do you think this “workout” is sending to your body about how to adapt to make sure you’re in the best possible Grizzly-escaping form?

Easy: Build muscle that you need to run… and burn off fat that’s weighing you down and making you bear-bait.

Sounds simple, right?

Now picture this: Instead of running from a predator and scrambling up a tree, now you’re just jogging through the woods for no apparent reason.

And… you keep it up until the timer goes off on your phone an hour later telling you your workout is over.

Okay, so what are your movements telling your body to do this time?

It might not be what you intended…

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Because… what your body hears is, “Burn all the muscle, all the bone density, all the tendons, and all the ligaments you can – just keep enough to run at this pace. Oh, and while you’re at it,store some body fat because that’s the best fuel for long, slow activities.”

As you can see…

The Best Way To Send Your Body Loud And Clear
Fat Burning, Muscle Toning Signals
Is To Choose The RIGHT Exercises

Now let me be clear – I’ve got nothing against jogging, and I’m not telling you to start sprinting and climbing trees, either.

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This is NOT about “high intensity intervals” or running full-tilt on a treadmill until you collapse – I’m just trying to make a point…

And that is, when you imagine the body you really want – the body you’d have if somebody snapped a photo of you in a bathing suit and you’d want your friends to see it…

Instead of dreading about how many “calories” you’d have to burn or meals you’d need to skip… imaginewhat kind of specific movements you’d do if you wanted to tell your body, “Give me six-pack abs” or “Build me a slim waist and tight butt.”

Because it turns out, how your body looks in the mirror and how your clothes fit has everything to do with the exact movements you put your body through every time you exercise.

And the best part is, this doesn’t mean you need to be able to do anything super-athletic or acrobatic.

In fact, no matter your current level of fitness, you could get up from your computer and do any of these specific moves right now, without any fancy equipment or going to the gym.

The more of these movements you can do, and thebetter you can do them… the leaner and fitter you will become and just like Milo in the story above, you will transform your body!

Of course, that sounds great in theory… but what about real life?

How Can You Make This Secret Work For You – So It Practically FORCES Your Body To Give You The Results You Dream About?

The Answer Is…

“Progressive Movement Technology™”…

Now that you know the real reason you haven’t gotten the results you want is because you weren’t delivering the right signals to your body. Let me introduce you to a new workout science called “Progressive Movement Technology™”…

Progressive Movement Technology™ or PMT for short takes all of the best exercises for burning fat and toning muscles and divides them into 5 different levels.

Level 1 being so easy anyone can do it and level 5 being challenging enough that they would give an athlete a run for their money.

Workouts that use Progressive Movement Technology™ will take you from wherever you are right now, and will automatically adapt to keep you challenged and on-track toward your goals, week after week.

And… the best part is…

Along the way your body will be forced to change!

It succeeds because it’s so simple: Step-up your movements to step-up your performance to step-up your body.

When you start this way and follow the steps, you truly cannot back-slide or fail.

I call these workouts “The Cross-Training 50” – or just CT-50 for short, because it consists of a unique combination of movements that engage every muscle in your body in the right sequence to send LOUD AND CLEAR fat-burning muscle toning signals to your body.

I’ll share exactly how that works in a second – and why I can be so confident it truly works for anyone who tries it – but first…

Here’s Proof That “Progressive Movement Technology™” WORKS…

She Lost 71lbs With Minimal Diet Changes And… Exercised Less Than 45 Minutes A Week!

The picture to your right is just one of the many transformations from people using the Progressive Movement Technology™ workouts contained in the CT-50 System.

Like many people, she struggled with her weight until one day, the number on the scale was too much for her to bare. So… she became determined to change her body and her life for good!

She started by doing what most people do… take up jogging and dieting in hopes of losing the fat. And… she lost 25lbs! However, the routine she was on became too demanding and she ended gaining it all back.

It wasn’t until she discovered the Progressive Movement Technology™ workouts contained in the CT-50 System that she finally saw a change! Here’s what happened…

  • She LOST 71lbs While Only Spending 45 Minutes (Or Less) Per Week Exercising [Some Days As Little As 9 Minutes!]
  • She Did It Without Dramatically Changing Her Diet… Just Used 3 Simple Strategies: Drank More Water And Ate More Protein And Veggies.
  • She Couldn’t Beleive How Dramatic Her Transformation Was With Such Short Workouts!
  • She Tells All Her Friends About The Progressive Movement Technology™ Workouts Contained In The CT-50 System

Purchasing CT-50 (2014) – Tyler Bramlett course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.

By now you might be asking yourself

How did you figure this out – and how can you be so sure it will work for me?”

Trust me – Progressive Movement Technology™ and these 50 simple workouts didn’t land in my lap overnight – just the opposite…

It Took Me Over 10 Years To Piece These
Breakthrough Body-Shaping
Strategies Together…

My name is Tyler Bramlett, but people call me “the garage warrior” because I’ve spent the past decade literally scouring the globe, relentlessly researching the secret routines of the most respected fitness ‘gurus’ alive…

… and then putting them to the test here in my bare-bones garage “lab,” to turn them into simple steps anyone can follow withoutexperience or a tricked-out gym.

As a trainer and coach, I’ve gone on to share this system in-person with over 500 people at my gym in Santa Cruz, California, and thousands more online…

And unlike a lot of fat-loss and fitness “experts,” I didn’t get a head-start from gifted genetics, a hyper-drive metabolism, or any natural athletic ability.

The truth is, I was overweight
as a kid as far back as I can
remember, and no wonder…
both my parents were heavy,
and I tell people I grew up in
a household that thought “diet”
soda was a health food.

Friends would make snide remarks about my weight and quickly cover their taunts with “just joking”… my older brother couldn’t get enough of calling me pet-names like “chubbito”…

So it’s no accident I started young doing whatever I could to deflate the blubbery inner-tube settling around my waist.

I tried everything all through my teens and early 20’s – even insane Schwarzenegger-style bodybuilder routines working out in back-to-back 45-minute slogs at the gym, guzzling protein shakes and supplements in between…

Yet despite it all, I was still 40 pounds overweight… stuck in a rut that just seemed to be getting deeper.

And I wish I could tell you I ‘cracked the code’ by being smart… However…

Getting Hit By A Car And Ending Up In The Hospital Was What Led Me Down The Path To Learning The Body Transformation Secrets You Are Discovering Today!

It was a sunny California day, and I’d decided to ride my bike to my window-cover manufacturing job… when I rounded a corner and came up hard against a virtual wall of thousands of bees… and while I somehow managed to swerve fast enough to escape being stung…

… I didn’t escape the SUV that slammed into me.

I ended up in the hospital with a cracked femur, a torn meniscus, and a dislocated kneecap, I could forget weightlifting, running, or getting slim. The first time I tried to sit down at a leg-extension machine at the gym, it felt like somebody was stabbing me.

Clearly, something had to give – if you’ve ever been in one of those spots in your life when you knew a change just HAD to happen, I’m sure you can relate.

Fortunately, just when I was getting ready to throw in the towel, a friend happened to show me a strange little book he’d stumbled on after quitting his gym membership – all about so-called “functional” exercises you could do in your own home.

I tried one movement, then another… and slowly but surely, pain started giving way to strength, flexibility and movement the physical therapy pro’s told me I’d probably never get back.

And before long… even though he’d told me I would probably have a permanent limp…

My Surgeon Quickly Realized That These Exercises And Routines Were Extremely Effective!

He Even Said…

“This Is Amazing… Keep Doing Whatever You’re Doing!”

As I got better and better at these exercises and routines, the fat around my midsection effortlessly started to melt away… I could feel I was onto something. And you might think I’d stop there, and be satisfied with “good enough” results… but I was determined to see how far this rabbit hole went…

So with a settlement from the SUV driver who hit me that let me ditch my day-job for a while, I left couch and crutches behind as I traveled the country hunting down fitness experts way, way off the “mainstream” grid, soaking up everything they had to teach…

… things that few if any “textbook-certified” gym trainers had ever gotten a glimpse of.

Believe me, you won’t see these guys showing up for glamor shots in the fitness magazines – they’re too busy performing feats of strength and testing the outer limits of human potential… plus, most “armchair experts” find them a little weird.

  • Like the former Russian special forces instructor who thinks traditional “Western” weightlifting is for pansies? Weird.
  • Or a retired arm-wrestling champion who looks like a “98 pound weakling” but bends wrenches into pretzels? Weird.
  • And a former Cirque du Soleil performer who’s spent 30 years just studying hand-stands? Weird.

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That’s just to name few – and while you probably have no more intention of joining the circus, doing pushups standing on one hand, or starting a new hobby twisting steel than I did…

What these masters of “fringe” fitness proved to me beyond doubt was that whether your goal is to become a freak of nature or just look great at the beach –the same fundamental rule applies:

Start with the right movements… do them in the right order– and everything else takes care of itself.

Set yourself the goal of performing a particular movement – say, a pull-up – that you can’t do right now… and by the time you reach it, your body WILL adapt in ways you can see in the mirror.

Purchasing CT-50 (2014) – Tyler Bramlett course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.

The tricky part is knowing which movements will burn maximum fat – FAST – and which ones are just a waste of your time and sweat.

And that’s why, after 7-plus years of putting literallyhundreds of routines and combinations to the test…

I started putting absolute BEST performers – the techniques that consistently delivered the quickest and most dramatic results for me and my training clients – into ONE single system anyone could follow, step by step.

I Organized Everything Into An Easy-To-UseDONE FOR YOU System Called CT-50

How Can One System Work For Everybody,
Male Or Female – No Matter How Old You
Are Or How Much Fat You Need To Burn?

As you know by now… the secret to sending your body the proper “transformation signals” all comes down to performing the right movements in the right order – and then knowing exactly when to switch up your routine to push your results further and further.

I took the most powerful exercises and workouts that I’ve tested over the last 10 years and put them together in one system that contains 50, easy to follow Done-For-You workouts that you can use to permanently transform your body in less than 45 minutes a week!

Yes, there are 50 total at-home workouts in the program, but you’re NOT doing them all at once.

Instead, I’ve broken CT-50 down into five different levels, with 10 workouts per level – each level that much more challenging than the one before it.

Purchasing CT-50 (2014) – Tyler Bramlett course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.

You start out with Level 1 – movements like “one-leg shin taps”… “shoulder bridge lifts”… “body rows”… and “Turkish Arm Bars.”

These are movements I’ve selected because anybody can do them with proper form right away. That means no injuries, frustration, or struggling to keep up.

Once you reach the tenth and final routine in level one… you check your progress with your first “Challenge Workout.”

There’s one of these for each level, and it’s there to give you a clear signal whether you’re ready to move on to the next “tier” of CT-50.

If you give yourself a “passing” score, you level-up… and if you’re not quite ready, you cycle back through the workouts in your current level – starting back at the beginning so you don’t get bored doing the same moves over and over.

By this time, you’re already noticing your most stubborn fat loosen its grip… and at the same time, you may already notice newfound strength and flexibility…

… just like one client who e-mailed me recently to say, “I couldn’t believe that I went to go pick up the dog’s food bag, and I was able to just lift that thing up and put it right in the back of my car. I’ve never been able to do that before.”

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Once you get the “green light” to skip ahead to Level 2, your routines step things up a notch to get you even closer to your dream body!

You’ll learn UNIQUE and highly effective movements like “Burpee Walk Outs,” “Turkish Sit-Ups,” and “Single-Unders”…

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By The Time You’ve Finished Level 2… 3… 4… And Even 5… You’ll Look In The Mirror At YourTransformed Body That Looks And Feels Better Then You Ever Thought Possible!

This is the kind of results that you could never touch through “random” fad workouts, extreme crash diets and marathon cardio dashes.

And… you’ll see these body transformation results in less than 45 minutes a week, without strain or struggle, never getting injured with no need for a trainer, a gym membership or extreme dieting!

The bottom line is… these workouts are designed to send powerful “transformation signals” to your body from the very beginning – and with each new movement you master, you know the payoff you see in the mirror is going to be even better.

Purchasing CT-50 (2014) – Tyler Bramlett course now, You can get it with the LIFETIME SUPPORT and UNLIMITED DOWNLOAD.

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