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Zen Martial Artist Cracks the Code to  Deep Meditation ~ And Shares His  Condensed "10-Minute".Formula!

Dear Friend,

In today’s busy world, we are filled with distractions, stress and information overload – tweets, facebook posts and pokes, videos, apps, ads and a gazillion emails. It's never been more important to slow down and recenter ourselves. 

The reality is that it's not natural to run our brain at this extreme level of stress. Left unattended, mental pressure builds up and leads to anxiety, frustration, mood swings, depression and even physical symptoms such as high-blood pressure, hyper-tension and a host of other disorders! 

Since our external world directly affects our internal world, it is essential that we have a practice to tune in and reclaim our balance by mastering our mind. One of the most effective tools to do this is meditation – a practice of relaxing the mind, improving focus and eliminating stress.

I will show you how you can return to centerin just minutes a day, with a very powerful meditation process called The Art of Mushin.

Tristan Truscott, Sensei

Reclaim Your Power, Master Your Mind!

Discover a State of No-Mind & No-Stress, Known  by the Elite Samurai Warrior as: MUSHIN

Mushin is a Zen term, referred to in the Samurai tradition as 'no-mind', or 'no-ego'. When you are in a state of Mushin you become totally present to the moment. You are completely focused, clear headed, fearless, aware, centered and calm. 

You can connect to this deeply profound level of awareness through an artful process of (1) focusing your mind, (2) correct breathing and (3) ‘letting go’. With consistent practice, you can enter into this deep awareness or "State of Mushin" at any time.

It is widely known that many people find meditation very challenging and often quit the practice early on, because it seems too difficult to go beyond internal noise and mental chatter. 

Fortunately, The Art of Mushin makes it very easy to transcend the busy mind and experience a profound inner peace. With this breakthrough program you will be guided through five special meditation steps to quickly relief stress, center your mind and connect you back to Joy

Suffering… Could it be Grace in Disguise?

"A Journey of Awakening into Consciousness"

My Story…

To conquer my stress and fears I began a journey of mind-body-spirit training at the age of 14 in Malibu, California where I was blessed to learn martial arts from one of the world's most gifted teachers. His name is Mr. Bob Burbidge. As a young he was trained by the great Chuck Norris. 

My teacher was a truly amazing instructor. He was full of passion, intense focus and great love for his students. Chuck Norris actually named Mr. Burbidge in his all time top ten list as "one of the best Black Belt Champions that he ever coached!"

During my years of martial art training with Mr. Burbidge, the number one thing he drilled into all of his students was FOCUS! His classes were intense and so was the bare knuckle, barefoot sparring that we did

You had to really train your mind to be in the moment… you could not afford to 'check out' or you'd end up with a foot in your face… and even with great focus that still happened from time to time.

After receiving my Black Belt from Mr. Burbidge in 1987 I had developed 

a very strong body, along with a disciplined and focused mind. This training in focus, especially from the years of sparring, gave me an edge not only in external combat, but also with my internal sparring (a form of combat that came a little later when my meditation training first began).

However, at this point something very important was still missing, I wasn't totally confident! Yes, I was a Black Belt but I still experienced awkward nervousness, anxiety, self consciousness and fear.

How was it that being a tough martial artist I couldn't prevent my mind from totally freaking out when asking a girl out on a date? I'd get sweaty palms, I'd stumble over my words… the whole nine yards. Looking back today this seems very funny, but it sure wasn't back then!

I Should Not Be Afraid Anymore!

These feelings really bothered me especially because I thought that all the intense years of training for my Black Belt would have removed my nervousness and fears. But as it turns out, external strength and external focus alone were not the solution to conquer my core fears (or anyone's for that matter), but what I was soon to discover sure was.

I was blessed a second time by meeting another masterful teacher on my journey. He too was a martial artist and also a natural healing doctor, the now famous herbalist Dr. Richard Schulze. 

One day after training I confided in Sensei Cayenne (that was the nickname for Dr. Schulze as he used the power of Cayenne pepper to heal his weak heart as a young man). I told him that even with a Black Belt I was still afraid and now I was experiencing so much stress that it was affecting my health.

Dr. Schulze informed me that unattended stress could certainly be the cause of my new health conditions and that what was missing was my inner focus, something that martial arts sparring couldn't give me.

Sensei Cayenne shared with me how he had overcome his fears with the practice of meditation, and that by learning how to meditate I too could begin to develop my inner focus. The instant that he showed me the basics of meditation I absolutely knew he was right; I needed to go beyond my self consciousness and fears, from the inside out.

Get The Art of Mushin Meditation Course – Tristan Truscott, Only Price 55$

The%20Art%20of%20Mushin%20Meditation%20Course%20 %20Tristan%20Truscott%2001 | eSy[GB]Awakening into Consciousness

For the next 15 years I completely dedicated my life to mastering the ancient art of Yoga meditation; let me tell you it has been the most Amazing Journey of Awakening into Consciousness. 

All of my stress-related fears left me by learning to master the inner focusing skills of Yoga … or perhaps I should say, I left them. Now this isn't to say that I never get afraid anymore, I do, but I now have a quick and effective way to tap into a state of consciousness where fear, stress, anxiety and worry no longer trouble me.

Look, to some this may sound impossible. But I am here to tell you it worked for me. This experience of inner peace and inner confidence is real. It exists and it is very attainable. 

The state of consciousness I am talking about is a state of 'no mind', 'no stress' and 'no ego' – also known as Mushin. It is available to every human being and it can be accessed by applying the practice of meditation in the right way. With proper instruction, following a step-by-step sequence – one that puts your mind and body in alignment for the 'no-mind', 'no-ego' experience to take place. And no, it doesn't take 15 years! 🙂

I have to admit that in the beginning I found meditation very difficult; my mind would wander all over the place. Fortunately it didn't take long to realize that if I took my years of external focus and connected that concentration to my inner focus I could get into the meditative state much faster!

The reality is there are quite a lot of forms of meditations out there and knowing how to practice properly can be quite confusing to the beginner; even a life-long meditator can go off track as they are exposed to advance, and sometimes esoteric methods. I have seen some people get really messed up because their energy wasn't flowing correctly in their body!

This actually happened to me for a while. My whole body would shake violently because at the time I didn't understand how to move the life-force energy (a.k.a. Qi, Chi or Prana) through my body in the right direction. 

Gratefully over the past 30 years I have had the privilege of working with some of the world's most gifted meditators and I have since learned the correct way of breathing, focusing and directing my life-force.

One of the most powerful methods of meditations I have learned is known 

as Qigong (chee gong), a form of moving meditation. This 5000 year old art gave me the greatest healing breakthrough of my life. It helped me end a five-year crippling back condition that even a $90,000 surgery couldn't. I have incorporated core aspects of Qigong into The Art of Mushin; it's one of the reasons this meditation system is so effective.

Magical Things Started Happening… Amazing Manifestations! 

This journey of awakening into consciousness has kept me on my toes to say the least. From a young man seeking to overcome extreme fear and anxiety, to a grown man trying to figure out how to heal from a crippling back injury, meditation has been the lifeline that has kept me going and growing.

Looking back I can now say my life has unfolded beautifully over the years, but little did I know it would require great challenges and times of terrible pain to push me into my Awakening!

Perhaps that's why one of my teachers was fond of saying "suffering is grace in disguise". Today I agree that this is the case… but it sure NEVER felt like Grace while I was going through the struggle.

The great reminder is that on the other side of our pain and suffering IS a more Awakened life waiting to be discovered. Each lesson, when used and absorbed, can be the catalyst to open us up to a more abundant state of consciousness. We just need to find the right tools and people to support our growth.

I have found that when you hold steadfast to your transformation, keep focusing your mind, clearing your fears, connecting to your heart and sending out positive energy – that some very magical things start happening.

To be totally honest, I didn't expecting that dedicating my life to this path of meditation would lead me to manifest as many golden opportunities and pure joy that it has. I was simply looking for a way to conquer my stress-related fears so I could be a better me. 

Surprisingly, my meditation journey has allowed me to consciously manifest wonderful opportunities; speaking on stage and working with some of the top leaders in the personal development industry. When I am in a state of abundance consciousness the right doors just seem to open up.

Meditation Gives You The Power to Unblock Your Mind… So You Can Unlock Your Full Potential.

Here are just some of the benefits you will enjoy when you embark upon the path of meditation:

  •  Daily stress robs us from being who we really want to be… but meditation gives you the mental capacity to curb reactivity, conquer the overwhelm and reclaim your power and presence!
  •  In order for healing to take place in the body you must first create a healing state of mind… meditation has long been known to cultivate this healing state and help you access it faster.
  •  Everyone should know the special breathing techniques found in meditation… not only to improve their overall health and vitality, but simply put… a well oxygenated body lives longer!
  •  Did you know the Lakers used meditation to win the NBA Championship? It's true and many athletes use meditation to perform at their highest levels by putting their mind in "The Zone". 
  •  True meditation clears confusion and aligns your mind with your heart… giving you 

Sounds Great! Show Me The Science….

Get The Art of Mushin Meditation Course – Tristan Truscott, Only Price 55$

"What Really Goes On In Your Brain When You Meditate?"

Practitioners of meditation have long credited their practice as contributing to their physiological, psychological and spiritual well- being. However, only recently have scientists in the West confirmed these claims through scientific research and come up with a possible reason as to WHY this is the case.

Scientists can now study the electrical activity in the brain and have discovered that certain states of consciousness are connected to certain brainwave frequencies. Coming as no surprise to meditation

practitioners, they have found that meditation slows the electrical activity in the brain, resulting in a more frequent brainwave activity that is associated with healing levels of consciousness.

Additionally practitioners report that meditation generates a sense of "oneness" with God or the Universe. Scientists have confirmed that this "sense" is actually invoked by a decreased activity in the parietal lobe, a region of the brain that's responsible for our perception of boundaries between ourselves and others, giving a feeling of being more connected with the rest of the world. 

By identifying the link between changes in brainwave frequencies, levels of activity in the brain and changes in both conscious states and biological responses, researchers are coming closer to understanding the connection between mind, body and spirit. 

Deep relaxing meditation encourages a shift from the dominant over-thinking, stress-related brain activity that is created by our fast-paced society, to a more balanced mix that includes our other higher states of awareness. Seems like the yogis were on to something!

Is Meditation Safe?

Over the years there have been so many different approaches to meditation, vague instruction, complicated techniques and new-agey nonsense that it's no wonder meditation used to get a bad rap in our culture. 

The good news is today we have enough evidence-based research to prove how meditation is a natural process that allows you to return your nervous system and your inner mental state to one of balance and harmony. 

Additionally today's mainstream media and mindbody doctors have all given a big stamp of approval to meditation, deep breathing and emotional clearing techniques.

Meditation Will Permanently Change Your Life!

I have full certainty that if you follow the simple steps clearly outlined in this program you will take back control of your focus, eliminate stress, recharge your body and tap into a beautiful state of higher consciousness.

My greatest joy is sharing this meditation process with my students and friends. I also love how the internet allows me to share this process with you too. I offer as much training as I can through interviews, blogs, gifts and webinars… however, this tried-and-true program does require a fee.

In my opinion, the powerful benefits of meditation are worth thousands of dollars – well, priceless actually – but don't worry this transformation isn't going cost you $1,000 or $500 or even $200. 

I am happy to share this program with you for less than the cost of a session with a coach. Right now you can pick up a discounted copy of The Art of Mushin for only $197 (for the full program) or just $147 (for the online + digital version). 

"Here's everything you will get with The Art of Mushin Meditation Course"

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