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(This course is available and delivery within one day!)She will also give you affirmations to use that will help you to trust in your ability to connect with those who are no longer physically here.

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V.A. – Humanity’s Team – Life After Death

V.A. - Humanity's Team - Life After Death

The veil that separates those who are alive in the world and those who have moved on from their physical bodies is not as thick as you may have imagined it to be.

In fact, if you are open to receiving messages through that veil, those you know who have passed may have messages for you that could help you heal from your loss, as well as give you guidance on your challenges and opportunities.

They might even want to share messages with you on a regular basis that could help you to stay focused in the right directions to achieve the outcomes you are hoping to experience in your life.

You can even learn how to provide this service to others, asking their deceased loved ones’ questions and receiving messages you can share that will provide comfort and guidance to them, as well.

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He also asked Karen if she would be willing to be the medium through which he shared some critical teachings that he and the “We Guides” group he was now associated with in the afterlife were eager to bring to humanity during this critical time in our unfolding history.

Karen graciously agreed to both requests, and when Wayne told Karen what to say to prove to his family that he really was there and anxious to communicate with them, it marked the beginning of an exciting new 5-year relationship that continues for all of them to this day!

Wayne’s family all learned from Karen how to communicate directly with Wayne and to recognize the signs when he was present and had something to share.

Through this extraordinary new way of interacting with his family, Wayne encouraged his daughters, Saje Dyer and Serena Dyer Pisoni, to work together on writing a book (which was published in 2021), and they have continued in his footsteps from there, speaking all over the world and moving people with their stories of challenge, transformation and joy.

Similarly, the life-changing messages Wayne and the We Guides have shared through Karen Noé are now known as the “We Consciousness” teachings, and while life-changing may sound like it might be hyperbole, if anything it is an understatement, as these messages outline a whole new, expansive yet intimate view of the world, along with a simple process for living a truly inspired and empowered life.

You will receive one of these enlightening teachings in video form every day for the first 33 days of this brand-new 8-week online Masterclass: “Life After Death – Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Teachings From the Afterlife and the Training to Receive Your Own Messages,” with Karen, Saje, and Serena.

Additionally, as part of the Masterclass, Karen will provide 9 modules of Mediumship Training that will not only deeply enhance your ability to receive messages from your own loved ones, but also provide comfort and guidance to others by contacting and receiving messages from their loved ones, as well.

This first-of-its-kind Masterclass will open your eyes and heart to a whole new world of possibility for your own life and for humanity’s continuing journey as we work together to create the better, more hopeful and nurturing world for all where we are destined to thrive!

Your Masterclass Experience Will Unfold in Three Parts:


Video Module 1

(PLUS 33 Video Mini Modules that will be sent each day for the first 33 days of the Masterclass) Wayne Dyer’s Teachings From the Afterlife: “We Consciousness” Training, with Karen Noé


Video Modules 2 – 12

The Knowing: Teachings from Saje Dyer and Serena Dyer Pisoni


Video Modules 13 – 21

Mediumship Training to Receive Your Own Messages From the Other Side, with Karen Noé


Video Module 22

The Sum Of Our Parts: Advice and Guidance as You Step into Your New Life in Deeper Communication with the Other Side, with Saje, Serena, and Karen.

Available on your Smart Phone, Tablet, TV, and Laptop with Humanity Stream+

All of this programming can be streamed or downloaded to watch on-the-go through your subscription to the Humanity Stream+ app.


Wayne Dyer’s Teachings From the Afterlife

Part One includes Video Module 1 (PLUS 33 Video Mini Modules that will be sent each day for the first 33 days of the Masterclass), with spiritual medium Karen Noé


The 33 “We Consciousness” Teachings

In this video module, Karen will share the full story of where Wayne is now and how he became connected to the “We Guides” group he is working with in the afterlife. She will discuss the paradigm-changing things Wayne has learned since his passing, and the important and surprising ways this new wisdom has caused his message to evolve from what it was during his physical lifetime. She’ll also be introducing the 33 “We Consciousness” teachings she has brought forward from Wayne and the We Guides that you’ll be among the first to see. Wayne has been clear that they are critically important for humanity at this time, so you will be receiving one of these teachings in video form every day for the first 33 days of the Masterclass.


The Knowing

Part Two includes Video Modules 2 – 12 with Saje Dyer and Serena Dyer Pisoni


What Is This Teaching Me?

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the great benefits of shifting your perception of death and learning the invaluable lessons it has to teach us whenever it arises in our lives. They will discuss ways to keep your sadness from consuming you, empowering yourself instead, even when you are grieving deeply. They will also share powerful questions you can ask yourself that will calm you and bring you peace of mind, along with many other specific words of wisdom their father imparted to them over the years that then helped them to process and heal from his loss and step into new adventures in their own lives.


The Power of Pure Love

“If you choose love, life will respond with love.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the profound experience of growing up in a loving, supportive, and open environment with parents who were modeling what it was to live their dreams and treat themselves and others with compassion, understanding, and patience. They will also discuss the role “knowing” how much is truly possible plays in what actually happens when you release your hopes, dreams and desires into the world or attempt to exert your will, as well as the immense power of love and compassion to draw support from the Universe to help you achieve your goals and navigate any challenges that arise in your life.


The Mind Forgets, But the Soul Remembers

“Become a host to miracles instead of a hostage to circumstances.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the various signs that their father sensed his time on Earth was coming to an end, as well as the remarkable numbers of synchronicities around his passing. They will also discuss Wayne’s own advice to others not to artificially prolong life when one’s time has come to move on, as well as his conviction late in his own life that being human is but a temporary stop on the journey of the spiritual beings we are at our essence. They will also examine his teachings about the manifesting power of moving first into desire and then into desirelessness, “allowing” your desire to be then fulfilled.


From No Where to Now Here

“You’ll see it when you believe it.”
—Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the signs that are far beyond coincidence that begin to emerge when the departed are right there in the room with you. They will discuss the power of showing gratitude to the Universe when good things happen, and celebrating your good fortune, both of which open you to more and greater miracles. They will also focus on what it means to open yourself to the Universe so it can open itself to you, where once you are able to believe and know that “otherworldly” things are possible, you will start seeing proof of them all around you.


Finding The Stars In Daylight

“When we experience joy, we experience God.”

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—Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Saje will explore ways to look for meaning in whatever you are experiencing, regardless of whether it’s good or bad, which will help you to move beyond your fear of death. She will discuss Wayne’s idea of “receiving and returning,” graciously accepting the gifts the Universe provides in your life and then generously giving to others what you can when they are in need. Saje will also focus on how to use the extraordinary power of joy to bring you closer to God and thus closer to your loved ones who have crossed over to the other side, opening you up to the signs and miracles you are seeking.


Choosing Sooner

“Become the student of your circumstances, not the victim.”
—Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Serena will explore the remarkable power of your thoughts and beliefs to directly affect and even create your experiences. She will discuss the tremendous benefits of learning not to “feast on your fear,” and instead “choosing sooner” by shifting away the impulse to fixate on that fear and into positive, self-affirming and empowering reminders of who you are and what is truly possible for you. Serena will also explore the choice you have to make when you’ve experienced a difficult loss of any kind in your life: to be defined and held back by that loss or allow yourself to be transformed by love and make the best of wherever you find yourself at any given moment.


Meditation and Miracles

“Even in the most troublesome of times, my reaction is to choose stillness.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the extraordinary power of stillness to provide intuitive clarity, perspective, guidance, and even open the door for miracles to enter your life. They will discuss the role meditation has played in their own lives and the transformation and fulfillment it has made possible, and why it’s well worth resolving to overcome whatever daily or weekly life challenges or complexities you might have and make time to engage in some regular practice of stillness or meditation. They will also share ways to effectively still your mind so you can better hear your heart


The Geometry of Forgiveness

“When we love ourselves, we refuse to allow others to manage our emotions from afar. Forgiveness is our means to that end.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Serena will explore the incredible power of forgiveness, for others, for ourselves, and for circumstances beyond our control that may arise in our lives. She will discuss the importance of allowing grief to be pure and a teacher, not poisoned by thoughts of anger, vengeance, or self-hatred. She will also share a powerful Hawaiian prayer of reconciliation and forgiveness you can repeat that will help you move into a deeper place of love, connection and acceptance every time you use it, releasing your fears, reducing your stress, and allowing you to extend that love and forgiveness to everyone around you


Yielding To The Signs From The Universe

“By listening, yielding, and being gentle, we all become disciples of life.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Serena will explore the critical role coincidence plays in our lives, including Wayne’s idea that coincidences are little “winks from God”— and not coincidences at all. She will focus on the incredible power of “Divine Love” and the invaluable benefits of trusting God and the Universe instead of clinging to preconceived ideas of what your life “should” be. Serena will also discuss the value of remaining true to yourself on the deepest level and bringing your “music” into the world in every way you feel inspired to do so and steering your life in the flow, looking for the “green lights.”


The Path of Least Resistance

“By surrendering everything, you create an energy field of receptivity for the solution to appear.” —Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Serena and Saje will explore the idea that if the Universe is throwing up obstacles to you getting where you’re trying to go, it may be doing so for good reason. Where the sailing is smooth, that is the Universe placing calm water before you to guide you somewhere you’re supposed to be, but when the seas are stormy and challenging you at every turn, it’s important to be able to recognise the Universe’s resistance and then surrender at those times to the flow that is trying to carry you in a more fruitful direction. They will also share the most important action to take in preparing and opening yourself to communicating with those on the other side.


Love Is The Ultimate Lesson

“I end on love no matter what.”
—Dr. Wayne Dyer

In this video module, Saje will explore the power and possibilities of living with Love as your foundation for everything. She will discuss the lessons her father taught about living this way while he was on the earthly plane, and even more so since he departed, and what this deep legacy of love means to her and her family. Saje will also share how she is continuing to grow from her own experience of her father’s work since he passed, and how she continues to show up not only as his student but for all the Universe has in store for her, as well.


Mediumship Training to Receive Your Own Messages From the Other Side

Part Three includes Video Modules 13 – 21 with Karen Noé


Life Continues

In this video module, Karen will explore the reasons why each and every one of us is able to receive messages from our deceased loved ones and why they are just as anxious to communicate with us as we are with them. She will explain what they’ve experienced since leaving their physical bodies, the bigger perspective they are able to now see regarding their lives on Earth, and she will introduce the process by which they are able to come through to us. She will also share some of the most remarkable stories from the hundreds of sessions she has done

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Receiving True Messages/ Guided Meditation to Connect with Your Loved Ones

In this video module, Karen will tell you more about how those on the other side are attempting to communicate with us, and how you can open yourself up to hear what they are trying to tell you. She will explore the importance of paying attention to random thoughts that just pop in your head and the need to quiet your thoughts to hear your loved ones speaking directly to you. She will also take you on a guided meditation that will help you to quiet your mind so you can better receive their messages, and you will have an opportunity to speak directly to your loved ones and discover that they can really hear you!


Raising Our Vibration to Its Natural State

In this video module, Karen will explore the ways our energy is like a radio signal and show you how to raise your vibration into alignment with the energy of those you know on the other side. She will discuss the tremendous value your voice and perspective can have in uplifting others without lowering your perspective or forcing them to raise theirs. She will also explain why it’s imperative to practice gratitude and forgiveness, and to show compassion to everyone in your path.


Most Common Signs from Our Deceased Loved Ones

In this video module, Karen will discuss the most common ways our deceased loved ones attempt to contact us. She calls these “without-a-doubt signs” – things that occur around us that normally don’t happen that confirm our loved ones are still around, such as lights flickering when we are talking about them, rainbows appearing out of nowhere, feathers or pennies showing up in our paths, and songs coming on at the perfect time with words we need to hear at that moment. She will also share real stories about some of the amazing signs she and others have received.


What are Chakras? + Guided Chakra Clearing Meditation

In this video module, Karen will explore the eight chakras all humans have and how the state of these swirling wheels of energy can either enhance or diminish your ability to receive messages from your loved ones. She will share how our thoughts and feelings affect our chakras and why it’s important to keep our thoughts focused on what we want, rather than what we don’t want, and on solutions, rather than on problems. She will end the module with a powerful chakra-clearing meditation she recommends using regularly to keep your chakras cleared and balanced


Using the Emotional Freedom Technique and the Law of Attraction to Help You Receive Messages

In this video module, Karen will explore how Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and the Law of Attraction can be used to enhance your abilities. Since you receive what you think about most of the time, it makes sense to get rid of thoughts about what you don’t want (such as being unable to receive messages) and replace them with thoughts about what you do want (such as being able to connect with your deceased loved ones). She will show you how to use EFT Tapping techniques to get rid of blockages that may be preventing you from receiving clear messages from your loved ones. She will also give you affirmations to use that will help you to trust in your ability to connect with those who are no longer physically here.


Receiving Messages in Dreams and with Angel Oracle Cards

In this video module, Karen will explore how your loved ones may appear to you in your dreams. She will explain the difference between a real visitation and a dream that simply originates from your subconscious as it tries to resolve your issues with the person who is gone. She will also look at how your deceased loved ones (and angels) can give us specific messages through the use of an Angel Oracle Deck. She will show you how to clear the deck, put your energy on each card, and how to set the intention to provide an accurate reading for yourself and others.


The Main Ways to Receive Messages: The Four Clairs

In this video module, you will learn the four main ways to go about receiving messages from your loved ones. The way you receive messages depends on what you usually focus on. If you are a visual person, you probably will receive messages in pictures; if you mostly focus on the sounds around you, you will probably hear guidance as blocks of thought; if you are mostly emotional and are “feeling” oriented, you will probably receive messages as physical sensations; if you like to focus on the meanings of your experiences and are more cognitive-oriented, you probably will receive messages simply as a knowingness. Karen will also guide you through some fun exercises that will help you to receive messages in pictures (clairvoyantly) and in blocks of thought (clairaudiently).


Bringing It All Together

In this video module, Karen will review everything she has explored with you so far and share a personal story that she received from the angels that shows why it’s important to keep your vibration high in order to continue to receive messages. She will also share a story about the without-a-doubt signs her deceased friend gave her and a mutual acquaintance when a very significant event was about to occur. She will end the program with a message her angels have directed her to share at the end of the training.


The Sum of Our Parts: Advice and Guidance as You Step into Your New Life in Deeper Communication with the Other Side

In this final video module, Karen and Saje will connect all you’ve taken in during the previous 21 modules and in the “We Consciousness” teachings, and share some final stories and insights that will help you as you continue to integrate the teachings and explore the new possibilities they offer you.

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