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Does It Ever Feel Like You’re Always Just At The Edge Of What You Want In Life?

Like maybe you’re not destitute – but you’re still far from financial freedom, you’re not hitting your financial goals fast enough, and you still worry about money a little too often for comfort.

Or maybe you’re not horribly unhealthy – but you still struggle with fatigue, pain, excess weight, or premature aging, and it sometimes just feels like you were ‘born that way’.

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Does It Ever Feel Like You’re Always Just At The Edge Of What You Want In Life?

Like maybe you’re not destitute – but you’re still far from financial freedom, you’re not hitting your financial goals fast enough, and you still worry about money a little too often for comfort.

Or maybe you’re not horribly unhealthy – but you still struggle with fatigue, pain, excess weight, or premature aging, and it sometimes just feels like you were ‘born that way’.

Purchase Marisa Peer – Rapid Transformational HypnEverything Elseapy for Abundance courses at here with PRICE $399 $59



Marisa Peer – Rapid Transformational HypnEverything Elseapy for AbundanceMarisa Peer – Rapid Transformational HypnEverything Elseapy for Abundance

Does It Ever Feel Like You’re Always Just At The Edge Of What You Want In Life?

Like maybe you’re not destitute – but you’re still far from financial freedom, you’re not hitting your financial goals fast enough, and you still worry about money a little too often for comfort.

Or maybe you’re not horribly unhealthy – but you still struggle with fatigue, pain, excess weight, or premature aging, and it sometimes just feels like you were ‘born that way’.

Or maybe you’re surrounded by people you love – yet you still tolerate a lackluster romance, or yearn for something more real, or just wish you had deeper, more authentic relationships with your friends and family.

If any of this describes you, you might sometimes wonder:

“What’s Really Holding Me Back?”

Many people would assume they’re just not working hard enough, or that they’re not lucky or smart enough, or even that they’re too far gone.

But that’s not the real reason you’re not exactly where you want to be in life.

The real reason is that your mind has been programmed by society — the media, your mentors, your friends, even your parents — to play the game of life in a comfort zone that’s disconnected from your abundant potential.

The truth is, it’s not easy to break through your own mental barriers and reprogram yourself to have it all (if it was, anyone who reads a personal growth book or went for a therapy session would be living their dream life).

But thanks to the latest breakthroughs in leading-edge neuroscience, that’s about to change for you… forever.

Marisa Peer

Did You Know That Your Brain Can Reprogram Itself – And Literally Change Who You Are on a Cellular Level?

What you’re about to discover goes far beyond the typical tools of personal transformation.

Because while conventional therapy, personal transformation books, and practices like meditation can be incredibly effective

There is now an even MORE efficient, rapid, and lasting way to spark profound transformation from the inside out.

And it all lies in a scientific phenomenon that empowers you to shine light on every belief and model of reality in your mind

Erase the patterns that sabotage and pin you down

And reprogram yourself — rapidly and with no resistance — into the BEST version of you.

This is what you experience in the Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest: a 35-day journey towards life-changing new levels of financial success, health, and love — all through hypnotherapist Marisa Peer’s remarkable approach to personal transformation.

Traditional Therapy VS
Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy

Traditional therapy sessions tend to only focus on the symptoms, which is why many people end up sacrificing years of effort with slow results.

For example, you might talk about how you feel financial pressure, a recent breakup, or why you perpetually feel sluggish and unmotivated.

And yet you wouldn’t dig deeper and explore…

How your upbringing caused you to feel that you needed to be ‘better than your parents,’ or ‘stop living paycheck to paycheck,’ or even to ‘keep up with the Joneses.’

You wouldn’t talk about…

How past trauma has led you to believe you’re unworthy of love, so you keep repeating the same relationship patterns that end in similar ways.

And you wouldn’t look into…

How a moment from your past didn’t turn out the way you planned, leading you to believe that everything you reach for will yield the same result, so your body reacts by responding that it’s perpetually tired of trying.

This is what makes the Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest so powerful compared to traditional therapy, and even to many other personal growth tools: it digs deep into your neurological programming and triggers profound changes from the inside out.

The Rapid Transformational
Hypnotherapy Advantage

When you take the Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest, you’ll first be shown the root cause of your challenges (and this is often not at all what you think).

Then, those root causes are systematically deleted from every corner of your subconscious mind.

The part of your brain that is 10x more powerful than your conscious mind. That governs your choices, beliefs, and habits. And that can often work against you, by creating thoughts, emotions, and outcomes that pull you further away from the life you crave.

By engaging your subconscious mind (and the models of reality that control it), you can instantly eradicate the psychological programming that has caused you to unconsciously limit and sabotage your own relationships, finances, and even your physical health.

When You Take This Quest You Will…

Create Wealth Abundance:
  • Erase negative money habits that pull the brakes on your financial goals – like overspending, impulse buying, and getting sucked into debt
  • Clear limiting beliefs about money that hold you back from getting that raise or promotion, or from taking advantage of financial opportunities around you
  • Break free from negative emotions triggered by money – like guilt, stress, anxiety, and a crippling sense of lack
Create Love Abundance:
  • Rekindle the spark in your romantic relationship, or gain the clarity to start a new one
  • Connect better with the people who matter – like your children, parents, friends, or co-workers
  • Resolve painful conflicts with your loved ones, even if they’ve been dragging on for years
Create Health Abundance:
  • Completely rewire your body’s cravings, so you only crave healthy food and activities, and effortlessly gravitate away from the bad stuff
  • Reinvigorate your body with youthful energy, turning back the clock on premature aging and ramping up your productivity and passion for life
  • Alleviate the symptoms of chronic illnesses, and accelerate your path to total healing of the mind, body, and spirit

How Does Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy Work?

A (Brief) Scientific Explanation

Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance gives you all the instant benefits of years of therapy in just one session, by reprogramming the mind.

But there’s something specific going on when you rewire your brain, and it’s connected to your body’s neurons: the basic working units of the brain, designed to transmit information to other nerve cells, muscle, or gland cells.

These neurons form a neural network, or a ‘brain map’ that directs your brain to tell the rest of you what to do, think, and feel.

Studies show that while these neurons control everything about our bodies, we can constantly create new controls through a bodily process called neurogenesis.

And once these new control systems are created, research shows that our brains then treat old neurons that aren’t “plugged into the new network,” like survival of the fittest.

Which means new neurons win.

But once these new control systems are created and plugged in, they need to be told what to do.

These new brain cells receive programming through neuroplasticity — it’s the brain’s ability to create the neural pathways that tell you what to do.

But these pathways must be intentionally set.

Once the old neurons are out, we have to create a roadmap for the new neurons to follow. Research suggests that in remapping, we can improve our choices, create new habits, and even possibly forget old memories.

There is no such thing as being born lucky or more successful in life.

In short, we can literally reprogram who we are on a cellular level, to not just change the flow of abundance, but change our habits, thoughts, and even our characteristics to create and receive abundance naturally.

1. Bergland, C. (2017, February 06). How Do Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis Rewire Your Brain? Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-athletes-way/201702/how-do-neuroplasticity-and-neurogenesis-rewire-your-brain

Meet Your Transformational Hypnotherapist: Marisa Peer

Marisa Peer, named the Best British therapist by Tatler and Men’s Health magazines, has spent nearly 30 years working with an extensive client list including royalty, rock stars, Hollywood actors, Olympic athletes, CEOs and political leaders.

As a hands-on therapist to her clients, Marisa uses Rapid Transformational Therapy™ to unlock the brain’s natural ability and help her clients literally rewrite their brains for performance, resolve past issues, and unlock their capacity for abundance. In her work with champion athletes, stars, and the world’s top business leaders, she has noticed a recurring theme of maximizing abundance to virtually remove all limits and open the door to the lives they want in health, wealth, love, and more. For this reason, Marisa has chosen to bring abundance to the Mindvalley Community.

Marisa also lectures, writes columns and appears on television and radio all over the world. She’s written four bestselling books, on how transformational hypnotherapy can help people lose weight, get pregnant, gain confidence, and stay young.

In this Quest, Marisa will demonstrate the instant transformation that’s possible with her unique, highly personal approach to hypnotherapy.

As Seen On:

Marisa was the most featured teacher in Vishen Lakhiani’s book The Code of the Extraordinary Mind.

Marisa leading 800 Mindvalley students into hypnotherapy.

Marisa recently won these Stevie Awards: Woman of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, and Lifetime Achievement Award.

What Some Of The World’s Leading Figures Have Said About Marisa Peer

“Marisa is a fantastic therapist. Within four days I’ve seen rapid therapy and rapid change with people and that is quite extraordinary.”

Anna Richardson

Presenter, Television Producer, Writer and Journalist

“Every time I take on a new project or face a particular challenge in life, I seek Marisa’s extraordinarily effective therapy. Marisa’s therapeutic work and [counsel] is a hugely powerful resource in my life.”

Gerry Cott

Co-founder with Bob Geldof of the Boomtown Rats

“What I experienced in that room with Marisa changed my life — in just minutes. She helped me uncover a massive “block” that I realize now has been holding me back”

Ryan Levesque

CEO & #1 National Best-Selling Author of “ASK“​. Investor & Co-Founder Bucket.io

“Marisa Peer has had a huge influence on my life. Her sessions gave me power, self-confidence, and has been the lesson of my life.”

Zuzana Bednarova

Director of Operations at Accelerate Sports

“Marisa Peer has an extraordinary skill at getting people to change. Since she worked with me, my life and my footballing skills have changed dramatically.”

Jason Roberts

Premier League Football Player

“You have to see what she can do in 5 minutes that people search for their whole lifetime.”

Garrett Gunderson

Author of the New York Times bestseller “Killing Sacred Cows”

What You’ll Learn

The Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest

Easily Cultivate Abundance in Health, Wealth, and Love

The Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest is an easy-to-follow process for reprogramming your subconscious beliefs – and creating fast, profound, lasting transformation in the most important areas of your life.

For 35 days, you join your hypnotherapist Marisa Peer in a series of simple 20 – 40 minute daily sessions, designed to simulate a private therapy session with Marisa (which normally costs thousands of dollars and has a waiting list booked months in advance).

As a result, you’re empowered to finally break through the self-sabotaging beliefs and mental blocks causing you to unknowingly reject wealth, wellbeing, and love.

Whether you’re holding onto financial beliefs carried from your childhood, struggling to overcome health issues, or trying to break unhealthy cycles of dysfunction in relationships, you’re able to beat these challenges to become a magnet for the best people, the best outcomes, and the best opportunities.

5 Reasons You’ll Love The Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy
for Abundance Quest

01. Lasting & Resistance-Free Abundance

This Quest reveals what’s really holding you back from the wealth, health, and love you crave. You’ll discover the mental barriers keeping you down, delete them from your mind, and trigger your brain’s ability to reprogram itself for extraordinary abundance. The result is lasting and resistance-free positive transformation — without the relapses or self-sabotage you may have experienced through other forms of personal growth

02. Gently Heal From Past Traumas

If you’ve experienced past trauma or pain, you’ll know how long it can stick with you. Mental scars can wreak havoc on various areas of your life, long after they’re inflicted – and it often takes an extraordinary amount of courage to get to the root of these challenges. That’s why Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance is designed to gently get to the root of your scars from the past – and permanently heal them from the inside out.

03. Quick, Easy & Profound Transformation

Diving into your subconscious and reprogramming who you are can be complicated – but Marisa’s technique dramatically simplifies and speeds up the process for you. Other forms of therapy can take months or even years – but Marisa’s is designed to trigger profound and lasting personal transformation in just 35 days, at 20 – 40 minutes a day. You won’t find a more effective or easy-to-use process anywhere else.

04. Treat the Root, Not the Symptom

Traditional therapy typically starts with what’s bothering you in the moment – for instance difficulty sleeping, or a bad break-up. But it can take a long time _ to pinpoint why something is going on. And even more time after that to work through the beliefs that led you there. This Quest greatly optimizes that process by exposing the _root causes of your issues – and erasing them permanently.

05. Trusted By Top Performers

Marisa is a beloved teacher in the Mindvalley community, with thousands of raving students and fans (including our own team members). And from CEOs to celebrities to top athletes – many of the world’s top performers rely on her techniques every day to be the best versions of themselves. This Quest is the single most affordable and accessible way to join these top performers, and elevate your life with the power of Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy.

What Students Say

“What Marisa did for me is nothing short of miraculous. I owe her my life.”

“I know that without Marisa’s help and guidance, I would never have achieved my weight loss of over 100 pounds or been able to maintain it. What you did for me is nothing short of miraculous. I owe you my life. Thank you.”

Jeff Rudom

“Marisa Peer eloquently taught powerful techniques to stack the chances of success massively in my favour.”

“I’m in my 14th year as a business owner, and it’s fair to say that more times than not the cause of my success or failure is looking at me when I clean my teeth. Marisa Peer eloquently taught powerful techniques to stack the chances of success massively in my favour. Guess what, Napolean Hill’s seminal work wasn’t called Think and Grow Rich for nothing, and that all begins with using my mind in the most positive way courtesy of Marisa’s expert understanding of how the human brain works. If you have the chance to listen to Marisa, take it; if you have the opportunity of Marisa training your team, book it, because it will make a positive difference to your organisation’s results.”

Ian Christelow
Co-founder of ActionCOACH

“I have now lost two stones easily!”

“I have now lost two stones [easily!] but even more than that the afternoon tiredness that had plagued me is gone. Thanks to Marisa I now have the energy to follow my goals.”

Maria Thomson

“I have finally taken the step to speak out more.”

“It has really addressed some of the core things that has been very heavy and “mental blocks” that has drawn me down for so many years. Some of it seems to just melt away,and there has been so many awarenesses with the hypnotherapy sessions. Important as well has been to recognize that I am actually already doing a lot of the things that Marisa suggests, so it is more about stop being so hard on yourself and be willing to receive more. And I have finally taken the step to speak out more”

Tove Engvall

The Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest 2020 Schedule

  • Part 1: Foundation For Abundance & Results

    This is where you lay the groundwork that reveals up your innate capacity to rewire the neurons of your brain to create abundance and live the life you want. You will start simple, by understanding the mind’s primary function and how the rules of the mind control abundance.

    Highlights include:

    • The hidden ‘Abundance’ Switch in your subconscious: follow these quick & easy steps to turn it from OFF to ON.
    • How to completely erase emotions and thought patterns that lead to crippling feelings of lack.
    • The secret to taking control of your subconscious mind… so YOU dictate your flow and your mind follows.
    • How to permanently lock the door on the negativity bias society tries to program you with.
    • Remember the sense of wonder and limitless possibility you had as a child? Do this to reclaim it in your present reality.

  • Part 2: Processes For Mindset Reprogramming

  • Part 3: Mastering the Mental Power of Health

  • Part 4: Cutting Through Mental Wealth Blocks

  • Part 5: Improving and Strengthening Your Relationships

Plus 5 FREE Transformational Hypnotherapy Audio Tracks

Play These Handpicked Audios To Enter A Wonderfully Relaxed State Of Mind, And Switch On The Following Personal Transformations To Enhance Key Areas Of Your Life

Elevate Your Learning Experience On The Revolutionary Mindvalley Learning Platform

The Mindvalley Quests learning platform combines the power of community, daily micro-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.

The World’s Best Teachers On One Platform

From philosophers like Ken Wilber and Alan Watts, to transformational teachers like Robin Sharma and Neale Donald Walsch, Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.

Deep Transformation In Just 15 – 20 Minutes A Day

Now used by leading-edge schools and companies, micro-learning is the ultimate personal growth solution for busy people. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.

We’re All In This Together

The Mindvalley Quests platform gives you multiple ways to engage and co-create with your fellow students. Imagine thousands of like-minded people from 100+ countries, supporting you, inspiring you, and holding you accountable to your highest success.

How The Quest App Works

1. You begin with the community on June 22, 2020

One community, one start date: we’ll move towards the finish line together, as we support and uplift each other every step of the way. If you prefer, you can do it at your own pace too.

2. You receive daily guidance throughout the 35-day curriculum

From a supportive online community, to regular check-ins with your Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator on our private Facebook page – you’re never alone.

3. You grow dramatically in just 20 minutes a day

20 minutes a day is all you need to watch your video lessons and apply the practices.

An Upgrade For Your Entire Life


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Marisa Peer – Rapid Transformational HypnEverything Elseapy for Abundance
Marisa Peer – Rapid Transformational HypnEverything Elseapy for Abundance
Original price was: $399.00.Current price is: $59.00. Add to cart