Original price was: $797.00.Current price is: $95.00.

In Stock

Do You Like Wasting Time and Money Trying To Figure Out High-ROI Facebook Ads Yourself? Of Course NOT!

Right now you have a very RARE opportunity! Facebook is pushing video big time, yet, no one is really taking advantage of it… causing video views to be as cheap as $0.01! This has allowed us to turn cold audiences into warm audiences BEFORE we launch which creates demand for our products, 9x’ed our launches and built our following at the same time and it can for you too! This is AD PRIMING!

Purchase this course you will earn 95 Points worth of $9.50!


Buy Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0 Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

Do You Like Wasting Time and Money Trying To Figure Out High-ROI Facebook Ads Yourself? Of Course NOT!

Right now you have a very RARE opportunity! Facebook is pushing video big time, yet, no one is really taking advantage of it… causing video views to be as cheap as $0.01! This has allowed us to turn cold audiences into warm audiences BEFORE we launch which creates demand for our products, 9x’ed our launches and built our following at the same time and it can for you too! This is AD PRIMING!

Purchase Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0 courses at here with PRICE $797 $95


Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0

Do You Like Wasting Time and Money Trying To Figure Out High-ROI Facebook Ads Yourself? Of Course NOT!

Right now you have a very RARE opportunity! Facebook is pushing video big time, yet, no one is really taking advantage of it… causing video views to be as cheap as $0.01! This has allowed us to turn cold audiences into warm audiences BEFORE we launch which creates demand for our products, 9x’ed our launches and built our following at the same time and it can for you too! This is AD PRIMING!

In fact, we’ve systemized it over the last year and have released it on 4 launches totaling in over $480,000 in sales in the past 8 months. Built up an audience of 250,000 people and brought in over 10,000 extra leads!

In this course we will show you how to set up your Facebook Ads for 6-figure launches, set them up for $0.01 video views, video formulas for pre-launching, and use AD PRIMING to grow your audience, lower your cost per lead, and increase sales!

Complete LIVE Facebook Ads Training For Launches, Audience Growth, Lead Generation and AD PRIMING  

LIVE hand-holding training that walks you through the process of setting up ads for low-cost leads, views and re-marketing. You’ll be able to generate huge audiences, scale to big launches, deploy AD PRIMING successfully, and grow your list with low-cost leads. The same process we used to get views lower than $0.01, leads as low as $1, build audiences as big as 250,000 and get 9x more ROI.

Recordings will be available and put into the members area for life time access.

PDF’s, Downloads and Guides  

You shouldn’t have to worry about taking notes. You should just be able to watch the training and go get results. Which is why we created all the guides and process maps that you can take and GO! Every video comes with it’s own guide and download.

Complete Video Formulas For More Views and Engagement

You’ll learn my 4 video formulas that we use to grow audiences on Facebook AND YouTube. These video formulas are going to teach you how to build your email list, re-marketing list, and CREATE DEMAND for your products and services before you sell it.

You’ll learn how the formulas to videos that get shared and huge reach.

Private Facebook Group  

We get it. You have questions. Your business is unique and you want be sure you’re doing it the right way for your business. You can join our private Facebook group with Brandon and all our other members. We get it. You have questions. Your business is unique and you want be sure you’re doing it the right way for your business. You can inside our private Facebook group with Brandon and all our other members.

You get lifetime access to our private Facebook group to ask questions, be the first to know of our new strategies, get informed of updates and share your success!

24/7 Online Lifetime Access  

It is accessible on mobile, tablet and computer anytime you want!

Once a Year LIVE Updates  

You will always have access to the training and recordings. AND, as long as we are still using Facebook ads, once a year we will do this bootcamp LIVE to update you with all our new strategies. And YES, you will always get all the newest training, recordings, PDFs in this course even if you do not show up live.

Instant Access To The Last Version Of The Bootcamp  

You don’t need to wait for the live bootcamps to start! You can start going through the most recent version of the FB Video Ads Bootcamp today! You have full access to it right now.

PLUS! Get $2997 In Additional Resources And Bonuses To Help Maximize Your Sales and Profit:

High Converting Up-Sell Script And Training ($497 Value) 

Adding an upsell to your launch is one of the easiest ways to generating more money on every launch you do. When done correctly 20-25% of your customers should be taking you up on it. Extra money. No extra work? Yes, Please! In fact, we produced an extra $5,000 with one simple $197 upsell!

“Don’t Edit Your Own Videos” Video Editor Outsourcing & Training ($997 Value) 

Top notch video quality anytime you want for a fraction of the price? Yes, please! Video built me a re-marketing audience of 250,000 people on Facebook, over 2.4 million on YouTube and it can for you too. AND you can do it WITHOUT editing a single video yourself. In fact, my entire editing team only cost me about $4/hour and they edit every single one of my videos, as well as, my clients videos and have produced millions of views online. Everything from my YouTube content, course content, pre-launch videos, sales videos, upsell videos, how to videos, vlogs, and more is handled by my team with professionalism that can be hard to find out here.

You can literally save tens of thousands of dollars in video production with the training in this bonus and get any video content done for you ON DEMAND!

NLP And Persuasion Training With Jim Fortin ($997 Value) 

Want to know the triggers that PULL in your audience? One of my other mentors, Jim Fortin, breaks down the language, copy and persuasion tricks to ensure your products sell by using unconscious triggers. This page pulled you in. Let’s show you how to do it!

How To Structure Your Successful Webinar & Emails ($997 Value) 

Most people don’t know this but the most important part of your webinar isn’t the content or the close. It is the opening. If you can not get your webinar attendees to sink their teeth into your webinar and convince them to want your stuff in the begginning then the rest of the webinar will be an uphill battle. Since you’re going to be learning how to set up Facebook ads to sell, launch, build audiences and more I want to make sure you can sell on your webinars which is why I am giving you my webinar templates, emails, and training of our webinar structure.

AND! When You Go With The MASTERMIND You’ll Get:

4-Day “Done-With-You” Private Mastermind ($19,997 VALUE)

You and 9 other people will spend 4 days with my team and me setting up everything you need for your next launch, sales funnel and/or ad campaign. You will have access to my team to have all your image ads made, all your video ads made, your pre-launch videos, and all your copy and messaging written out. Not only will we be going through our tactics and strategies but we will be working with you to ensure you are set up to run a profitable launch whether that be evergreen or a normal launch. You will leave with everything you need so you can just hit GO with confidence!

Full Launch Plan Done With Brandon ($997 VALUE)

The first day of the mastermind will be dedicated to mapping out your launch plan. Everything from the content, pre-launch, timing, re-marketing ads, pricing, etc will be mapped out so we can start creating and scripting all the rest of the pieces over the next 3 days.

Video Ads & Sales Video Filmed and Edited By Brandon’s Team ($4,997 VALUE)

You don’t need to worry about scripting, filming or editing any of your videos. During the 4 days we will be scripting your video ad and 1 pre-launch (Ad Priming) video for your launch. This will also include all editing of the video. We will shoot this at Brandon’s studio and office. After the mastermind is over his team will edit the videos for you and give you your completed videos ready for the launch.

Ad Images and Photos Done-For-You ($3,997 VALUE)

Not only will we be creating all your messaging, videos, and ads together but we will also have a photographer on-site to take photos for all your ads. Our graphic artist will create all the ads with Brandon, using your photos. We want to make sure you have all your re-marketing ads, cart close ads and photos for the ads all done and ready to go!

NLP, Persausion and Copy With Jim Fortin At The Event ($7,997 VALUE)

The messaging and copy of your ads and launch is one of the most crucial parts bringing in a huge ROI. Brandon will be working directly with you on creating that with you but Jim Fortin (Brandon’s mentor and NLP master) will be there helping you craft powerful messages.

2 Group Calls and a 30 Min 1-ON-1 Call With Brandon ($1,997 VALUE)

We will do one group call BEFORE the mastermind to make sure everyone is at the same place and ensure we get your stuff set up for the mastermind so we can dive right in. Then we will do one group call after the mastermind to make sure everything is ready to go and you know the next step. Then you get one 30 min call with Brandon to use whenever you want but we suggest to use it during your first launch to ensure you get the best results possible!


Let’s Dive Into What This Training Will Do For Your Business:

Module 1: AD PRIMING: Pre-Launch, Building Your Following 3x Faster & Creating Your Irresistible Content 

LIVE training on Wed. Dec 20th @ 9am PST

In this training you will learn who your customer is and what types of videos you’ll be making to Ad Prime them in your pre-launch. We will give you all our video formulas, how to find topics that get shared easily, how to create content that gets shares comments and views, and how to create videos that PRIME audiences for your upcoming launch/offer.

You will know EXACTLY what content to create to PRIME your audiences for your launch and get them in the buying state of mind. We’ll show you how we’ve been able to get over 1,000’s of reactions, nearly 1,000 shares, and over 400,000 views on our FB videos to prime audiences.

The prelaunch is one of the most important parts of your strategy and sets the foundation for your ads success. We determine who is your target audience and go deeper by building out your customer avatar so you know exactly who you are advertising to.

This helps to create demand for your product BEFORE you launch. It has allowed us to scale our sales and following tenfold! Here are a few examples of our past ad priming and pre-launch videos:

Module 2: Setting Up The Pre-Launch Video Ads In FB

LIVE training on Wed. Jan. 3rd @ 9am PST

Watch over my shoulder as I set up an ad campaign for my AD PRIMING during our pre-launch phase. I will set up a real campaign with you so you can get views as low as $0.01 or smaller, get your videos shared, ensure you get the best relevance score possible and how to choose the best targeting so you are only targeting people will want to buy your product when you launch.

I will hop in power editor and show you step by step how to set up the ads correctly the first time. So, get ready to get instant views on your content and grow your following!

Module 3: New Generation Video Ad Tricks and Shareable Formulas

LIVE training on Wed. Jan. 10th @ 9am PST

In this training we will cover all the styles of videos, the formulas, and structure that will lead to shares, comments, likes and views. You’ll learn how to create the perfect content to PRIME your audiences for your ads coming up.

There’s a reason why some videos get WAY more traction than others even if they are talking about the same topics. In fact, there are probably some videos in your niche that get seen WAY more than yours even though you may know more and you talk about similar things.

Over the past 4 years of creating videos, writing scripts, studying psychology, and watching viral videos we noticed there are common themes and triggers those videos have. Different triggers can be used based on your personality and the type of videos you want to use.

We will be covering the best triggers for you to use so you can maximize your views, get the biggest exposure possible and ensure you gain the following you need before you sell or launch!

This has allowed us to turn cold audiences into warm audiences BEFORE we launch, create demand for our products, 9x our launches and build our following at the same time!

Module 4: Creating “High Opt-In” Video Ads & Marketing Messaging

LIVE training on Wed. Jan. 17th @ 9am PST

Messaging is the most important part of your entire campaign. If you’re not able to understand who is going to buy your product and why then your entire campaign can fall apart.

In this training you will discover who you’re marketing to, what moves them, how to position your product and how to bring cold traffic in an “unaware” state to a FULLY aware state ready to buy.

Once we determine your messaging we will then craft your video ad that will lure in your audience giving you a perfect “high opt-in” rate video ad to use when getting people registered for your webinar, video series or sales process.

Module 5: Setting Up Your Ads And Campaigns In Power Editor. 

LIVE training on Wed. Jan. 24th @ 9am PST

Most people fail with Facebook ads because they are not setting their ads up the right way. You should be setting up your ads so you can monitor what targeting is working but also allow you to test a lot of different targeting options.

In this training, you will watch over my shoulder as I set up an ad campaign we use to drive more leads into our webinars, video series, challenges and more!

We dive deep into power editor to show you how you can set up your next campaign for low cost leads, more sales and how to target all those audiences you built up in the AD PRIMING stage.

Module 6: Monitoring And Optimizing Your Ads For Low Cost Leads. 

LIVE training on Tues. Jan. 30th @ 9am PST

Once your ads are running it is very important that you monitor them and adjust the spend on certain targeting so they optimize and you lower your cost per lead. In most cases your cost per lead won’t drop until you optimize it.

In this training we show you what to look for when optimizing your ads and how to know when to optimize or turn off certain targeting.

Sometimes people turn off ads without realizing it was a very profitable ad and we want you to avoid that! You’ll learn what is a good cost per lead, how much you can afford to pay for a lead and how to adjust them to drop your cost per lead to new lows!

Module 7: Setting Up Re-Marketing Including Services, and Re-play Webinar Ads 

LIVE training on Thurs. Feb. 1st @ 9am PST

Re-marketing is one of the most powerful types of ads you can use because it seals up any lost sales and raises your ROI. We’ve had launches where re-marketing has brought up an extra $100k in sales.

In fact, in our last launch every $200 we spent brought us an extra $20,000 in revenue and we want you to be able to do the same thing.

In this training we will show you the secrets to re-marketing with Facebook ads during a launch. Everything from letting people know you have a replay of your webinar to reminding people that they still need to watch a training video can all be controlled in Facebook with your re-marketing. Learn the in’s and out’s of high ROI Facebook re-marketing.

Module 8: Setting Up Closing Cart, Deal Ending, and Cart Abandonment Ads 

LIVE training on Tues. Feb. 6th @ 9am PST

If you are not setting up cart closing ads or using countdown ads to your offer you are leaving a HUGE amount of money on the table and we want you to avoid that. Our goal is to help you seal up every single sales possible when you launch so you get the biggest ROI each time.

In this training we will be diving back into re-marketing and showing you how to set up your cart closing ads so you can remind people that their special offer or enrollment is ending soon.

When you set up these ads you better get ready to have some fun on the last day of your launch or sales process! When you set up these ads correctly they will bring in a TON of sales… it’s almost surprising how many sales come in the last day and with this training you will get to experience that on a whole new level.

Module 9: Using Bots and Phone Calls With Our 80% Closing Conversion Process 

LIVE training on Thurs. Feb. 8th @ 9am PST

With every launch and sales process we set up we always look at how we can close the most sales. In the last year we’ve realized that incorporating a more personalized approach in sales can convert a HUGE number of people who are on the fence and weren’t going to buy.

In this training we will give you our formulas, processes, scripts and set up for closing sales using messenger bots and quick phone calls.

We’ve been able to see conversion rates over 80% and even above 90% when using phone calls and messenger bots. These are my secret weapons to closing more sales and sealing up sales slipping away.

Module 10: Organizing Your Launch Plan and Final Q&A’s

LIVE training on Tues. Feb. 13th @ 9am PST

Now that you have all the pieces we want to help you put it together in a fail-proof launch plan so you know what ads will be launched when and you can execute your Facebook ads to pull in a huge ROI.

In this final call we will map out your plan and put the pieces together so you can just take it and GO! And we will be answering ALL of your final questions.

Ready To Join?

I mean… Where else will you be able to get personal help from a team and entrepreneur who has produced millions of video views, grown warm audiences of 250,000 people from scratch, grown several FB groups into the THOUSANDS, produced over a million dollars in digital course sales and done over 6+ SIX Figure Launches on several products ALL with different audiences?

But Wait… There’s More! 5 MASSIVE Bonuses!

Bonus 1: High Converting Up-Sell Script And Training. 

Adding an upsell to your launch is one of the easiest ways to generating more money on every launch you do. When done correctly 20-25% of your customers should be taking you up on it.

Extra money. No extra work? Yes, Please!

In fact, we produced an extra $5,000 with one simple $197 upsell!

You Get:

  • Two Of Our Highest Converting Upsell Templates
  • Complete Video Training Of How To Implement and Upsell
  • How To Structure An Upsell They Actually Want So It’s a No-Brainer To Add It To Your Order
  • This bonus has been worth thousands of dollars for my business but it yours FREE!

Bonus 2: Video Editor Outsourcing

Don’t Create Your Course Content or Marketing Videos Yourself!

Video built me a re-marketing audience of 250,000 people on Facebook, over 2.4 million on YouTube and it can for you too. AND you can do it WITHOUT editing a single video yourself. In fact, my entire editing team only cost me about $4/hour and they edit every single one of my videos, as well as, my clients videos and have produced millions of views online.

Everything from my YouTube content, course content, pre-launch videos, sales videos, upsell videos, how to videos, vlogs, and more is handled by my team with professionalism that can be hard to find out here. Top notch video quality anytime you want for a fraction of the price? Yes, please!

You can literally save tens of thousands of dollars in video production with the training in this bonus and get any video content done for you ON DEMAND!

Here’s What You Will Learn: 

  • Where To Find Top Editors Who Won’t Waste Your Time With Crappy Videos
  • My Actual Hiring Ad That Draws In The Best Quality Editor
  • What Skills You Need To Get The Type Of Videos You Want
  • The Process To Streamline Production So It’s Completely Hands-Off And MORE…

Everything from your course content to your marketing videos can be done for you for a FRACTION of the cost!

Bonus 3: Private Facebook Group To Ask Questions

I want to be there for you the along the entire journey. Anytime you have a question, concern or just need a boost of confidence you can turn to our private Facebook group. This is for members only and you will have full access anytime you need it.

Bonus 4: NLP And Persuasion Training With Jim Fortin

If you’re already down this far on the bonus page then it means we pulled you in and you can do the same thing with your audience. And I’m giving you access to training from my NLP and Persuasion trainer, Jim Fortin.

He has taught and spoken on the same stage as people like Tony Robbins.

Here’s What You Will Learn:

  • How To Use Subconscious Brain Triggers That Pull People In and Get Them To BUY!
  • How To MOVE People With Your Content and Launches
  • Write Copy That Will Bring You More Sales and Less Worry.

And more…

Bonus 5: How To Structure Your Successful Webinar & Emails (Training and Templates)

Most people don’t know this but the most important part of your webinar isn’t the content or the close. It is the opening. If you can not get your webinar attendees to sink their teeth into your webinar and convince them to want your stuff in the beginning then the rest of the webinar will be an uphill battle.

Since you’re going to be learning how to set up Facebook ads to sell, launch, build audiences and more I want to make sure you can sell on your webinars which is why I am giving you my webinar templates, emails, and training of our webinar structure.

You’ll get all the templates you need to run a successful webinar and training to show you how to present and pull people in. There’s NO GUESS work on what emails to send, what to say and how to structure your high ROI webinar.

Bonus 6: ZERO TO $10k Webinar Training 

I break down how to run successful webinars and what subconscious triggers you need to say and when, so you can create massive demand on your webinars!

This also includes all my email swipe files, how to create your offer, when to run them, the slides, and how to structure them for sales.

Bonus 7: How To Film, Shoot, And Create Fun, Engaging, And Funny Video Ads For Your Campaign! 

This will include what cameras we use, how to shoot, how to shoot video with your phone, and simple ways to be creative with your videos to engage your audience so you get even LOWER cost per leads.

This is something NO ONE does with their videos…. but now you can.

Creating funny and engaging content is one of our secrets to driving in more sales and leads without anyone knowing what we are doing.

And If You Let My Team Do This For You & Join The Mastermind You Get:

Mastermind Bonus 1: 4 Day “Done-With-You” Private Mastermind ($19,997 VALUE) 

You and 9 other people will spend 4 days with my team and me setting up everything you need for your next launch, sales funnel and/or ad campaign. You will have access to my team to have all your image ads made, all your video ads made, your pre-launch videos, and all your copy and messaging written out. Not only will we be going through our tactics and strategies but we will be working with you to ensure you are set up to run a profitable launch whether that be evergreen or a normal launch. You will leave with everything you need so you can just hit GO with confidence!

Over 4 days you’ll see the behind the scenes of our launches but more importantly we will work on yours! My team will sit down with you and do the following:

– Create your launch/sales plan – Create all your messaging, emails, and copy – Create all your ad copy – Create, film and edit your pre-launch and AD PRIMING videos – Create, film and edit your video ad – Sales Video Scripted, Filmed and Edited – Create all your image ads and take your photos for the ads – All video editing and filming done for you – Webinar done with you! – How to sell on the phone training – Your upsell scripts and offer written – Look behind the scenes of our launches

Mastermind Bonus 2: Full Launch Plan Done With Brandon ($997 VALUE)

The first day of the mastermind will be dedicated to mapping out your launch plan.

Everything from the AD PRIMING content, pre-launch, timing, re-marketing ads, pricing, etc will be mapped out in person so we can start creating and scripting all the rest of the pieces over the next 3 days.

After day 1 your entire plan will be mapped out, ready to go!

Mastermind Bonus 3: Video Ad Filmed And Edited By Brandon And His Team ($4,997 VALUE)

You don’t need to worry about scripting, filming or editing any of your videos. During the 4 days we will be scripting your video ad and 1 pre-launch (Ad Priming) video for your launch. This will also include all editing of the video. We will shoot this at Brandon’s studio and office. After the mastermind is over his team will edit the videos for you and give you your completed videos ready for the launch.

Mastermind Bonus 4: Ad Images and Photos Done-For-You ($3,997 VALUE)

Yes, when we said everything is done for you or with you, we mean it! We will have a photographer come in and take photos for you to use in your ads with Brandon alongside you to direct you on what you need.

So, not only will be be creating all your messaging, videos, and ads together but we will also have a photographer on-site to take photos for all your ads. Our graphic artist will create all the ads with Brandon, using your photos. We want to make sure you have all your re-marketing ads, cart close ads and photos for the ads all done and ready to go!

Mastermind Bonus 5: 2 Group Calls and a 30 Min 1-ON-1 Call With Brandon ($1,997 VALUE)

The help doesn’t end at the mastermind! I am dedicated to being there alongside you and unleash the powerful marketing machine we develop for you at the mastermind.

We will do one group call BEFORE the mastermind to make sure everyone is at the same place and ensure we get your stuff set up for the mastermind so we can dive right in. Then we will do one group call after the mastermind to make sure everything is ready to go and you know the next step.

Then you get one 30 min call with Brandon to use whenever you want but we suggest to use it during your first launch to ensure you get the best results possible!

Mastermind Bonus 6: NLP, Persuasion and Copy With Jim Fortin At The Event ($7,997 VALUE)

One of Brandon’s secret weapons is Jim Fortin who helps him fine tune and craft his messaging and copy for all his launches and sales funnels. It doesn’t matter if they are doing webinars, sales videos, or challenges… Jim has been a vital tool, advisor and mentor of the Sold With Video team. He has shared the stage with Tony Robbins, Donald Trump and others in his career.

And he will be there at the event helping you craft your message to ensure your audience is DRAWN in and HOOKED.

Mastermind Bonus 7: Sales Video Scripted And Filmed And Edited ($1,997 VALUE)

You will have access to my team to have your entire sales video scripted, filmed and edited! We’ll work with you one-on-one to create messaging that converts and pulls your customers in, and film and edit a professionally produced sales video for your launch.

You will get to see the inside of 6-figure launches and have a 6-figure launch team put it together for you!

Purchase Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0 courses at here with PRICE $797 $95

Buy the Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0 course at the best price at esy[GB]. Upon completing your purchase, you will gain immediate access to the downloads page. Here, you can download all associated files from your order. Additionally, we will send a download notification email to your provided email address.

Unlock your full potential with Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0 courses. Our meticulously designed courses are intended to help you excel in your chosen field.

Why wait? Take the first step towards greatness by acquiring our Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0 courses today. We offer a seamless and secure purchasing experience, ensuring your peace of mind. Rest assured that your financial information is safeguarded through our trusted payment gateways, Stripe and PayPal.

Stripe, known for its robust security measures, provides a safe and reliable payment process. Your sensitive data remains confidential throughout the transaction thanks to its encrypted technology. Your purchase is fully protected.

PayPal, a globally recognized payment platform, adds an extra layer of security. With its buyer protection program, you can make your purchase with confidence. PayPal ensures that your financial details are safeguarded, allowing you to focus on your learning journey.

Is it secure? to Use of?
  • Your identity is kept entirely confidential. We do not share your information with anyone. So, it is absolutely safe to buy the Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0 course.
  • 100% Safe Checkout Privateness coverage
  • Communication and encryption of sensitive data.
  • All card numbers are encrypted using AES with a 256-bit key at rest. Transmitting card numbers occurs in a separate hosting environment and does not share or store any data.
How can this course be delivered?
  • After your successful payment this “Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0 course”, Most of the products will come to you immediately. But for some products were posted for offer. Please wait for our response, it might take a few hours due to the time zone difference.
  • If this occurs, please be patient. Our technical department will process the link shortly after, and you will receive notifications directly via email. We appreciate your patience.
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  • We promptly update the status of your order after your payment is completed. If, after 7 days, there is no download link, the system will automatically process a refund.
  • We value your feedback and are eager to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to reach out via email us with any comments, questions and suggestions.
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Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0
Brandon Lucero – Facebook Video Ads Bootcamp 2.0
Original price was: $797.00.Current price is: $95.00. Add to cart