Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $133.00.

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I searched for years for one comprehensive resource to help me develop the best mindset and technique to help a client overcome their biggest obstacles to investing in themselves. The Master of Enrollment program is that resource I always searched for.

Purchase this course you will earn 133 Points worth of $13.30!


Buy Bill Baren – Master of Enrollment Program Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

I searched for years for one comprehensive resource to help me develop the best mindset and technique to help a client overcome their biggest obstacles to investing in themselves. The Master of Enrollment program is that resource I always searched for.

Purchase Bill Baren – Master of Enrollment Program courses at here with PRICE $1997 $133

Bill Baren – Master of Enrollment Program

Bill Baren - Master of Enrollment Program

“You’re About To Discover My Step-By-Step System For ‘Enrolling’ Large Numbers Of High-Paying Clients – Without Sacrificing Your Values Or Turning Into A Pushy Salesperson”

If you’d like to double the number of clients you’re getting – and attract enough clients to have a 6-figure income – read on to learn more about this powerful training program

From: Bill Baren
San Francisco, CA

Dear business owner,

Are you tired of having one-on-one consultations with potential clients who say “This all sounds really great but I can’t afford it right now. Let me think about it…”

It’s painful to just say “OK” and let them walk away, isn’t it.

How many clients have slipped through your fingers because you didn’t know what to say during a consultation?

And what happens to the potential client? They still have the challenge or urgent problem they came to you with. They stay stuck, you feel rejected, and nobody wins.

So… what’s the alternative?
Learn How To Enroll 8 Out Of 10 Potential Clients From Your One-On-One Consultations

What if you could be authentic, confident, and enrolling during your consultations, instead of nervous, pushy, or sales-y?

I often like to use the word “enrolling” instead of “selling.”

To me, enrolling means inspiring people to see a new possibility for themselves.
This is in contrast to the pushy vibe that “selling” sometimes has.

I know you can make a big difference with your clients… but this can’t happen if they don’t say YES to using your services.

In the last 4 years, more than 8 out of 10 prospective clients I’ve talked to have said YES to hiring me as a business coach. That’s what led me to dramatically expand my business (with a team of 5 coaches) to nearly $1 million in income AND consistently have a waiting list to get in to work with me.

However, I wasn’t “born this way,” as some people think. Actually, it was a pretty rough ride at first…
I Crashed And Burned… Boy, Was My Ego Bruised!

It was 2006, my marketing was starting to kick into gear!

And I had 10 consultations with prospective clients lined up for the month of February. I was looking forward to landing bunch of new clients.

I figured I had at least 2 or 3 new clients “in the bag.” And I already knew what I was going to be spending this new income on! (a vacation, car repairs, a weekend away with my fiance.)

It was the moment of truth – and disaster struck.

Out of those 10 consultations, I got ZERO new clients.

Nada, zilch. Not one person said yes to my services.
Needless to say, I was completely devastated and dejected afterwards!

It was absolutely frustrating having all those conversations with potential clients and coming away empty-handed.

I hate to say it, but I was getting desperate to get clients (and to actually make money in my business). This experience even left me doubting if I was in the right business.

The worst thing was, I started avoiding consultations like the plague, because I couldn’t take the rejection. I was almost wishing they’d cancel at the last minute, because I didn’t want to face another person saying NO.

But – how would I get clients without having consultations?
The Key To Doubling Your Clients (And Your Income) In
30 Days

Since it felt terrible to have so many potential clients say no, I dedicated myself to learning everything I could about holding 1-on-1 consultations that lead to clients. I knew that without this skill, my business would never take off.

Want to know the secret I discovered? Here it is…

Putting all my efforts into increasing the number of people who say YES to my services was the easiest way to make thousands more dollars each month – without any additional work.

Look at it this way: – if 2 out of 10 people said YES in your one-on-one consultations last month, and then 4 out of 10 people say YES next month – your income just doubled.

And it doesn’t take any extra effort or marketing. You’re still having consultations with the same number of potential clients, but you get double the number of clients climbing on board to work with you.

If you’re already feeling like your day is completely packed, then this is your key to getting more income and more clients, without needing to magically add more hours to your day.

I’d like to use myself as an example of what’s possible. 80% of the potential clients I talk to say YES to hiring me as a coach. (And by the way, this is for high-value, high-investment coaching programs.)

So instead of spending tons of time networking and having lots of consultations without any results, I spend the majority of my time actually bringing in revenue and working with high-quality clients I love.

In fact, I look forward to every enrollment conversation, because chances are, I’m going to have another awesome client to work with.
My Simple Secret To Getting Clients A Lot Faster, While Taking Even Less Of Your Time

Going out and getting clients one at a time works, but it can be the slow boat to success.
Well, that’s about to change!

Here’s my simple approach to getting clients a lot faster, while taking even less of your time: It’s speaking to groups (either as a speaking engagement or a teleseminar) and offering them your one-on-one consultation.

I’m pulling back the curtains to tell you some of my results, because I want to encourage you to take the leap to presenting to groups:

A telecall series I did last summer led directly to $108,000 in new client enrollments.
At a recent speaking engagement, I generated $72,000 in clients.
Getting all of this income at once is great, but the part I truly enjoy the most is working with the rock-star clients you can attract when you step out as an expert in your field.

Speaking to groups can be the fastest way to:

Reach many more people at once
Make a bigger difference while earning more money
And at the end of a speaking engagement or teleseminar, you can have dozens of people raising their hand to work with you.

I personally love this approach because you can arrange lots of consultations with just one hour of your time!

But here’s the catch. It’s pretty simple to organize a telecall or arrange a speaking engagement, but it’s not so easy to sign up people in your audience as clients. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you can easily waste weeks or months of time and effort, and end up with no clients in the end.

In my “Master of Enrollment” program, I’m going to show you exactly how you can generate a large number of consultations and new clients RIGHT AWAY from teleseminars and speaking engagements. Read on to learn more…
Are You Making This Big Mistake In Your Business?

I’ve talked to far too many gifted and experienced coaches, consultants, holistic practitioners and other service-oriented businesses owners who are having a heck of a time getting enough clients to pay the bills right now. And I see a common mistake that business owners are making all the time.

Here’s the cold, hard truth of the matter: if you’re focusing a lot of time on getting better and better at what you do, this generally has little to do with your business success. (Especially if your clients are already telling you they love your work.)

Simply put, it doesn’t matter how good your services and programs are if you can’t enroll clients.

Instead, your financial results are directly connected to your ability to “sell” your services.

The fastest way to grow your business is by learning how to have one-on-one consultations that inspire potential clients to say YES to paying for your services.

And this has nothing to do with convincing, using force, or being pushy. (If you really dislike being pushy – I’m with you there.)

That’s right! By learning basic and proven strategies for being more “enrolling” during your consultations, you can fill your business with clients quickly, in a way that will feel good to you.
“If you hate to sell and feel like you have to be someone else in order to close a new client, you can take a deep breath and chill out… Bill Baren style.”

“Bill’s techniques take you to a place of calm in stressful situations (such as selling), and teach you how to stay grounded during an enrollment conversation.

He helps keep you out of your head and focused on serving the other person.

If you love to coach or help others but start feeling antsy when it’s time to enroll, then Bill is the one to learn from.”
Nancy Marmolejo

“I love Bill Baren’s Master of Enrollment course because it is both systematic and authentic.”

molly gordon“The program is super easy to follow, and Bill’s teaching style and handouts are superb. His method works and leaves prospective clients feeling truly seen and heard after the initial consultation.

You’ll leave the course confident in your ability to get new clients.
Molly Gordon

“The Master of Enrollment program
is one of the best!”

“As a coach, I have often felt challenged with the ‘enrollment conversation’ and it was a skill I truly had to master in order to grow my business.

I searched for years for one comprehensive resource to help me develop the best mindset and technique to help a client overcome their biggest obstacles to investing in themselves. The Master of Enrollment program is that resource I always searched for.

I encourage you to invest not just in learning through this program, but also in being able to better serve your clients by getting them to YES!”
Melanie Benson Strick

Yes, I Want the Master of Enrollment Program!

Ready For A “Selling Makeover?”

This is the MOMENT OF TRUTH.

Do you have amazing gifts and experience to share?

Do you love doing the work you’re doing, because you’re passionate about serving other people?

Are you ready to attract MORE CLIENTS easily and effortlessly?

If your heart is responding with a resounding “YES”, then stick with me, because I’m here to offer you the same “transformation” I’ve gone through.

I’ve gone from total fear of rejection to looking forward to every single sales consultation.

Because I know it’s my chance to help create a new possibility in someone else’s life, that they are unable to make themselves.

I want to show you how to overcome your fear and discomfort having “enrollment conversations”… so that you confidently offer your services, help more people, and make more money in your business.

“The Master Of Enrollment Program: Secrets To Enrolling New High-Paying Clients Without Selling”

This program is specifically designed for coaches, consultants, holistic practitioners, authors, speakers, and other service-oriented businesses that provide expert services.

You’re about to learn the EXACT SYSTEM I’ve used over and over to increase the number of clients I get from my one-on-one consultations.

You’ll learn the same step-by-step process I use to convert 80% of my potential clients to paying clients — and that hundreds of other Master of Enrollment clients have also learned.

I guarantee that if you follow my Master of Enrollment Program, you’ll easily earn back 3 times your investment in this training (all you have to do is enroll 1 or 2 new clients).

In fact, the Master of Enrollment Program is the only program I know that gives you ALL THREE critical elements you need to be successful with consultations:

(1) A Step-By-Step System For Consultations That Lead To “Yes”

You will have a proven step-by-step system that you can follow during each and every time you have a consultation with a potential client. In fact, I’ll give you a detailed script that shows you exactly what to do at every step of your consultation. No more guessing, fumbling and fear of rejection during your initial consultations.

(2) A Training Program For Getting All The Consultations (And Clients) You Want

You’ll discover new strategies and step-by-step methods designed to help attract as many 1-on-1 consultations as you want. The more consultations you have, the more clients you’ll be able have, using the Master of Enrollment system for conducting consultations that lead to YES.

(3) The Tools to Transform Your Inner Game And Build Your Confidence

If you dread holding complimentary consultations, if the thought of “selling” your services makes you uncomfortable…

And if you’re ready to have a breakthrough… then the Master of Enrollment program includes bonus tools designed to help you step into a whole new level of confidence!

Important note: You’ll be receiving Version 2.0 of the Master of Enrollment program! I’ve included dozens of significant enhancements to the program to further ensure that you have consistent success with landing new clients through one-on-one consultations.

The thing I’m personally excited about is that we get to work together to help you increase your impact and make a bigger difference in the world. Every client you enroll is another person you can serve with your unique gifts and talents.

Are You Ready To Learn Exactly How To Attract And Enroll More Clients Than Ever Before, Raise Your Fees And Cut Back Your Workload? Does That Sound Like Fun?

Yes, I Want the Master of Enrollment Program!


To Start With, You’ll Get My Complete “Master of Enrollment” System For Having Successful One-On-One Consultations That Consistently Lead To High-Paying Clients:

Enrollment Consultation Formula:

My Exact Step-By-Step Method For Holding Powerful ONE-ON-ONE Enrollment Conversations (aka Sales Conversations) That CONVERT PROSPECTS INTO CLIENTS.

In this module, I’m going to share with you the exact step-by-step formula I use to inspire 80% (that’s 8 out of every 10) of potential clients to say YES to hiring me as their business coach. And by the way, this formula works equally well for high-value, high-investment clients.

I call the “Enrollment Consultation Formula” a formula because it works consistently, time and time again.

This is a skill you can learn too! Hundreds of graduates of the Master of Enrollment trainings have learned to be successful at 1-on-1 consultations, and there’s no doubt in my mind that you can learn it too. Just follow the formula, it’s just like following a recipe.

This module alone will revolutionize your consultations with clients, because you’ll never be stuck wondering what to do or say ever again. I guarantee it.

In this module, you’ll learn:

The EXACT words and questions that I use throughout a successful sales conversation.
3 simple things you can do during your consultations to DOUBLE the number of people who hire you.
How to deeply and authentically connect with your potential client. (Remember the saying, “they don’t care what you know until they know that you care.”)
The #1 thing that is likely sabotaging your success with one-on-one consultations (most business owners aren’t even aware they’re doing it).
How to start off the enrollment conversation as a confident expert who has a clear, valuable agenda and knows how to lead. (Because when your potential client takes over the consultation, there’s little chance it will lead to a sale.)

BONUS: you’ll get these valuable resources

I’m going to give you a complete step-by-step script for you to follow with instructions on how to conduct each step of your client consultations.
This script includes a 6-page in-depth guide with my coveted notes and insights on how to inspire a client to say YES to your services. If you’re not completely sure what to say or do during a consultation, this script will transform you into a consultation expert faster than you ever thought possible.

“I’ve had five consultations in two days, and signed three coaching clients into $11,000 coaching programs.”

“I don’t want to jump to any conclusions Bill, but I’m starting to think your methodology works. 😉

Here’s WHY your approach works for me: you model such an authentic, generous, heart-based way of being with another human being on your call. I could feel you loved him whether he hired you or not.

And I get on such a deep level that hiring me isn’t about me. It’s about this other person buying into THEIR value. What I do for people is pretty well established.

But can this person believe they are worthy of the changes they want? WOW! That’s everything!

And that’s my real agenda on the call, and that feels really good.

Thanks Bill!

PS I also think really mastering your skills will close the gap between being a 6-figure coach and a 7-figure coach.”
Morgana Rae

“Using the Master of Enrollment course, I now have a system
that has helped me attract clients!”

“Through this incredibly rich program I was able to get a speaking gig for an annual women’s conference. I structured my content much differently than before. During that workshop, I confidently offered comp sessions to the participants and gained 3 new clients as a result!

I also was able to create a system for product promotion by doing monthly teleclasses… I’ve gained 2 new clients from those offerings.

And, I focused my in-person networking, offering business owners I meet a complimentary Business Breakthrough Session. I’ve gained 2 more clients using that strategy.

MOE is a step by step guide by a master coach (Bill) who generously shares his wisdom and walks you through the process of effective enrollment. It is the best program I have every invested in, I teach it to my own clients, and I highly recommend it!

You Rock Bill, I hope to participate in future programs with you!

A big breakthrough for me in the program was actually hearing the strategies and having them written out to refer to at my fingertips. It gave me no more excuses about the ‘how to’ anymore. It was all laid out for me in perfect order.”

Jane Morrison


Making An Irresistible Offer:

You’ll Get My Step-By-Step Formula For Confidently Offering Your Services During Your Consultations So That Your Potential Clients Enthusiastically Say YES!

It’s the moment of truth: you are at the end of your consultation with a client, and it’s time for you to offer your services. Do you freeze up at this point? Do you sometimes find yourself not even making an offer, because you’re so nervous?

In this module, I’m going to share with you the exact step-by-step process I use to successfully offer my services to potential clients, in a way that they feel enthusiastic about saying YES and confident that they made the right choice. When you offer your services the right way, it feels generous and helpful, not something that you’re pushing on someone.

In this module, you’ll learn:

The biggest mistake business owners make during a consultation that kills the sale (this mistake is made almost every time a client says no).
The #1 question you need to ask so that your clients sell THEMSELVES, instead of you having to do all the work. (When you learn this, you’ll never feel pushy or sales-y again.)
How to confidently and fearlessly offer your services at the RIGHT moment of the enrollment conversation.
The worst time – and the best time – to mention your fees during a consultation.
How to lead the consultation so that your prospective client will be asking YOU to tell them about your services and fees!

“Thanks to Master of Enrollment, I am now enrolling well over 50% of prospects who go through a free session with me”

“Before I studied Bill Baren’s Master of Enrollment, my initial conversations with prospects would often end up being mini coaching or consulting sessions.

The problem with this, as one prospect explained to me, was that she got so much from the session, she felt she didn’t need to continue.

The most valuable skill I learned in this program is how to conduct an initial session that both leaves your prospect feeling like they got tremendous value from you AND chomping at the bit to pay you for more.”

Dov Gordon, The Alchemist Entrepreneur


Transforming Objections:

How You Can Authentically And Powerfully Work With “I Can’t Afford It”, “I Need To Think About It”, And Other Forms Of Fear And Resistance In A Way That Allows Your Clients To Say YES

If you’re offering services that involve your clients needing to grow, change, or shift into a new level, there’s a good chance that they might feel a little uncomfortable or resistant. Let’s face it, if change were easy, your clients wouldn’t need your help!

That’s what this module is all about: I’ll show you how to help your clients transform their fears and concerns… because when you’re able to help potential clients stretch and expand so that they’re ready to receive the help they really want, this is a HUGE service to them.

Learning how to transform a fearful “no” into a confident “yes” can result in twice as many clients signing up – and twice as much income coming in – without needing to increase the number of consultations.

In this module, you’ll learn:

How to confidently work with the most typical concerns that stop your potential clients cold (money, time, their spouse, etc) – in a way that serves your client.
My simple process for “Getting To Yes” without doing any selling (or pushing or anything that feels inauthentic).
How to consistently lead your potential clients from sounding vaguely “interested” to eagerly giving you their credit card to sign up for your services.
What “I can’t afford it” actually means… and my #1 favorite phrase to ask in this situation that magically transforms this objection to a commitment to work with you.

BONUS: you’ll get this valuable resource

You’ll receive my word-for-word script on what to say when a client says “I can’t afford it,” so that you’ll know exactly what to say when this happens.

“I have had incredible success with 3 new business coaching clients signing up out of 4 consultations in the last two weeks!”

“I am jazzed to say the least and have been using Bill’s Closing the Gap process with huge success.

I have had pretty good success in the past with enrollment yet when the money concerns came up I often stopped.

Most everyone does have money concerns, and now I use Bill’s words from the handouts to help them commit to themselves.

I am finding the Enrollment process that Bill is teaching so much FUN!
It is beginning to come more naturally, the more consultations I do.

Thanks Bill! I feel extremely fulfilled!”

Carol Lorraine, Life and Business Coach


Securing Your Client’s Commitment:

You’ll Learn How To Eliminate The Painful “Clients Changing Their Mind” Problem Once And For All

Does this ever happen to you?
A potential client says “Yes” to your high-value services during your consultation, but they change their mind a few days later!

I know from experience, that’s one of the worst emails you can get. (Because they usually let you know via email, don’t they?) You go from the high and jubilation of getting a new client to the huge disappointment of not getting the chance to even get started.

Worst thing is, the client actually needed what you had to offer. And it’s really tough to turn things around once a client has changed their mind.

When that used to happen to me, I felt so terrible about letting the client down that I had to come up with a system to make sure this never happened anymore. That’s what I’m going to show you in this module!

In this module, you’ll learn:

The key “mindset” you need to adopt that will remove the temptation of your client to bow out.
My simple 3-step system that will prevent your client from ever having the desire to change their mind.
The first step you need to take immediately after your consultation to cement your client’s commitment (hint: it’s not what you think).

BONUS: you’ll get this valuable resource

Step-by-step guide to how to get started with clients so that they won’t change their mind


The Art Of Enrolling High-End Clients:

I’ll Share With You My Top Secrets For Finding And Enrolling Clients Who Are Willing To Pay Premium Fees

With this module, you’ll be able to give yourself the raise you deserve, and be more confident in the value you offer – and if you implement fully what I teach, you may just find yourself doubling your income.

Enrolling high-end clients is about attracting people who are eager for big results, not a Band-Aid. These are the clients that are the most fun to work with, because they are so much more committed.

If you would love to work with a small select group of highly committed and motivated clients, then you’ll want to be here for this training call.

In this module, you’ll learn:

How to find the high-end clients who are eager to pay for your services.
A proven method for zeroing in on the urgent problem that high-paying clients are just waiting to invest into solving.
My 3 top ways to filter out the people who aren’t serious about hiring you – this will save you from wasting a ton of valuable time on people who just want some of your time for free.
How to shift your inner game so that you’re ready to offer a much bigger level of fees that you are now. (Stepping up and asking a potential client to sign up for a high-end package can be intimidating! Let’s shift into a space of confidence and ease instead.)

“I immediately began enrolling 4 out of 6 new prospective clients!
I made over $21,000 in March, much of that from new clients”

“Before starting the program, I had no confidence that I could enroll anyone into anything. I knew I needed to learn how, but had a lot of fear around offering complimentary sessions and I was terrified of doing them because it was a radical change in my business and marketing practice.

Thanks to Bill Baren’s Master of Enrollment easy to follow system, I got clear on how to do enrollment complimentary sessions and I immediately began enrolling 4 out of 6 new prospective clients! I made over $21,000 in March, much of that from new clients, and that was more than I’d made in the last 4 months all together!

My big breakthrough in the program was how easy this is, and how much I love doing complimentary enrollment sessions. It connects me with my prospective client in a brilliant, loving and inspiring way.

Bill Baren is brilliant in his approach, and his wisdom, compassion and desire to help people really comes through. He makes learning how to do this painless, simple and very clear, and I am very confident now that I can enroll all the clients I want into whatever program I am offering. He’s made a huge difference in my business, just can’t thank him enough.”

Val Heart

“I doubled my fee… and signed up a client at my new price!”

“Before the program, I was comfortable speaking with potential clients but really felt the lack of having a concrete game plan around fees and packages.

The day after listening to Bill’s first class I expanded my private coaching package and doubled my fee. I had a conversation that morning that resulted in signing up a new client at my new full price!

The whole conversation felt like I was giving my potential client a huge gift, and that felt really great.

In Master of Enrollment, I learned how to help and serve people from the very beginning of the relationship. This process is such a natural fit for me and I believe it will be a natural fit for so many others that are in the business they’re in because they want to help people.

I have used what I’ve learning in the MOE program not only in my enrollment conversation but in the ongoing relationship with my clients to KEEP them enrolled and to really add so much value to what I’m bringing my clients.

I would (and do!) recommend this program to others because my own experience with it has been so successful.”

Cindie Chavez

Yes, Sign Me Up For the Master of Enrollment Program!

SUPER BONUS #1: My Complete “Never Ending Flow of Consultations” Program ($997 value)

“Bill, how do I get more consultations…?”

Many clients have asked me, “Bill, I’m starting to get results signing up clients with my 1-on-1 consultations… so how do I get MORE consultations coming in?”

I’m so committed to your success, that I’m including an ENTIRE TRAINING program as a bonus for you.

This program is call “Never Ending Flow of Consultations”, and I’m going to show you exactly how to set up all of the consultations (and get all clients) that you want.

This valuable program will cover the 3 fastest and easiest ways for you to generate new consultations – networking, speaking, and teleseminars. I’ll show you the exact steps to take to double or even triple the number of clients you have right now.

It’s actually quite simple: the more one-on-one consultations you conduct, the more clients you can sign up using the Master of Enrollment system.
Never Ending Flow of Consultations: Training #1

“5 Easiest Ways To Get All The Consultations You Want”

Once you start to get results with enrolling clients, you’ll be jazzed to go out and set up all the one-on-one consultations you want.

On this “how-to” training call, I will walk you through 5 of my top strategies for finding the people you want to serve, and setting up lots of consultations that lead to new clients you’ll love working with.

Never Ending Flow of Consultations: Training #2

“NETWORKING – How to get NEW CLIENTS and CONNECT WITH INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE at every networking meeting you attend”

Networking can be an extremely successful way to get new clients – but most people do it completely the wrong way.

If you usually come home after a networking gathering with a pile of business cards and no “real” prospects, then this module is going to open your eyes to a different way of doing things.

I’m going to share the secrets of master networkers, who know how to connect with influential people and generate new prospects at every networking event.

In this module you’ll learn:

My 5-step plan for taking your networking to a whole different level of results
The 3 biggest networking mistakes that stop you from getting prospects – and how to fix them so you turn new contacts into clients
My powerful secret for meeting the most influential people in the room. This one technique alone will completely transform your networking!
How to establish a powerful connection with total strangers you’re meeting for the first time – even if you’re a more reserved or shy person
Do you get stuck when describing what you do? I’ll give you my simple formula for crafting your own marvelous marketing message
Success in networking is all about follow-up – and I’ll teach you my easy-to-use system for converting your new contacts into clients and referrals

BONUS: you’ll get these valuable resources

5-point networking plan
Your personal “connect with influencers” plan
A template for creating your own marvelous marketing message

Never Ending Flow of Consultations: Training #3


Making an in-person connection with a room full of interested people is the best way to generate sales and create long-term clients.

You’ll learn how to use basic speaking opportunities to get in front of your target market, build your list, and get new clients!

You don’t have to be super charismatic or entertaining to make money from speaking to an audience. I’ll lay out a simple formula for you to use.

Does the idea of speaking to a group scare you to death? Don’t worry, when you hear me break down the process, you’ll see that it’s pretty easy to get started.

The easiest offer you can make at a speaking engagement to get clients. When you find out how easy this is, you’ll want to schedule your next speaking gig right away!

I’ll give you a simple fill-in-the-blanks worksheet so that you can create a talk that integrates smoothly with your sales offer. Because selling your services at a talk involves more than just tacking on a strong sales pitch at the end
If you’re speaking at an event which doesn’t allow selling… then I’ll give you my #1 a

Purchase Bill Baren – Master of Enrollment Program courses at here with PRICE $1997 $133

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  • If this occurs, please be patient. Our technical department will process the link shortly after, and you will receive notifications directly via email. We appreciate your patience.
What Shipping Methods Are Available?
  • You will receive a download link in the invoice or YOUR ACCOUNT.
  • The course link is always accessible through your account. Simply log in to download the Bill Baren – Master of Enrollment Program course whenever you need it.
  • You only need to visit a single link, and you can get all the Bill Baren – Master of Enrollment Program course content at once.
  • You can choose to learn online or download for better results, and you can study anywhere on any device. Please ensure that your system does not enter sleep mode during the download.
How Do I Track Order?
  • We promptly update the status of your order after your payment is completed. If, after 7 days, there is no download link, the system will automatically process a refund.
  • We value your feedback and are eager to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to reach out via email us with any comments, questions and suggestions.
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Bill Baren - Master of Enrollment Program
Bill Baren – Master of Enrollment Program
Original price was: $1,997.00.Current price is: $133.00. Add to cart