Original price was: $72.40.Current price is: $71.00.

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It’s scientifically proven, universal in application and most importantly… it WORKS… regardless of your prior background or physical ability!

Purchase this course you will earn 71 Points worth of $7.10!


Buy Target-Focus Training – Striking Course at esyGB. You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in your account or your order email.

It’s scientifically proven, universal in application and most importantly… it WORKS… regardless of your prior background or physical ability!

Purchase Target-Focus Training – Striking courses at here with PRICE $72.4 $71

Target-Focus Training - Striking

Target-Focus Training – Striking

 width=Wait just a second… There’s something else I wanted to mention. Besides the Justified Lethal Force Series and Lethal Leverage DVD set, there’s one other package that draws rave reviews.It’s our new Striking DVD series. And it’s literally the foundational engine that drives TFT.
After watching it, you’ll quickly understand why it’s so easy for anyone to generate devastating amounts of power that let you take control of unexpected violence… regardless of your size.If understanding these core elements of power interests you (remember, most others only THINK they know this information) please take just a few short minutes to see what’s included, and then check out the time-sensitive discount waiting for you at the bottom of this page.

Again, it’s only available while you’re on this page. Once you leave, that’s it — it’s gone. So read about Striking now, then see the Special Offer at the bottom of this page.


Tim Larkin

Now, discover the surprising SECRET to hitting someone
with a force equal to 3 1/2 times your body weight!

“What If Everything
You Thought You Knew
About Punching & Kicking…
Was Wrong?”

Facing a worst-case nightmare (some scumbag intent on
harming you or a loved one) you better have a heck of a lot
more than run-of-the-mill “punching and kicking”
in your protection “toolbox.”
And now you can… literally transforming yourself
into an unstoppable… Human Battering Ram!”



Dear Friend,

You know what a punch or kick is, right?

Your fist planted square in his jaw. The toe of your boot imprinted on his knee.

The kind of stuff you’ve done since you were a kid. Right?

Well, not so fast..

The Truth About ‘Striking’

Let’s back up for just a sec and take a look at punching and kicking, and let’s do it by using a baseball analogy…

See, when you throw that fist or snap that kick it’s kinda like beaning a guy with a baseball.

For sure… it hurts.

In fact, it may hurt a lot, depending on how strong you are.

But it’s nothing compared to the damage you could do if you were to hit him with a baseball bat… one that just happened to weigh the same as you do!

That’s what true “striking” is really about.

And the new TFT Striking DVD series shows you exactly how to do it!

  1. It’s about correctly using your entire body…
  1. It’s about momentum…
  1. It’s about “one strike and he’s out.”

In a real fight, it’s what we call…

“All Of You…
All The Time!”

TFT Striking completely redefines what it means to “hit” someone.

In fact, you see for the first time anywhere why…

Striking Is Truly The Base Engine
That Drives All Violence!

Watch this new series, and you’ll totally understand why that critical INJURY that stops some thug cold is caused by your BODY WEIGHT in motion not by how well you swing your arms and legs. You’re shown exactly how to move YOUR body weight to cause maximum damage.

You’ll quickly understand it’s not just about using your arms and legs as “pistons.”

No. It’s about you literally becoming… a human battering ram!

The manual that comes with this Program describes it well:

“It’s critical to get past the idea of ‘punching and kicking’ and get into using your bodyweight as a sledgehammer to absolutely wreck him.”Instead of punching him, you’re going to break his ribs.“Instead of kicking him, you’re going to rupture his kidney.

“Instead of twisting his wrist, you’re going to drop your entire mass on it and splinter it.

“You’ll go from a light-footed, point-scoring fencer… to a siege engine… a juggernaut of destruction, leaving only wreckage in your wake!”

Something else:

Most Punching & Kicking Instruction
Has You Focused
On The WRONG Thing…YOU

They’re mired in techniques that have you watching how YOU move… when what really matters is HOW MUCH DAMAGE you’re doing to the other guy!

Everything is about looking outward… at RESULTS… rather than inward at what you’re doing.

Another thing: most other punching & kicking instruction starts out showing you how to “get ready to fight.” You’ve seen it… how to get your feet set, your “dukes up” to protect yourself.

You won’t find any of that useless crap in this Program.

This isn’t about competition or squaring off to defend yourself. There’s no time for that in unavoidable life-or-death physical confrontation.

All that matters is an explosion of injury to that other guy… injury that requires medical attention. That’s what gets you out the other side — alive.

And that’s EXACTLY what you’ll see here! In spades.

If She Can Do It,
Imagine What You Can Do!

Let me tell you a story that brings the whole “bodyweight in motion” thing together for you.

I had a young woman attend a live training session we put on in Las Vegas a couple years ago who may have been the finest martial arts “stylist” I’ve ever seen.

She was very small; no more than 5′. But she was easily the fastest person in class. And her punching and kicking form was impeccable.

Except for one thing.

Every time she shot a punch or kick out… she immediately snapped it back! She was the classic martial arts “points” fighter (snap a punch, land a light blow and SCORE A POINT, then yank the arm or leg back quickly). It wasn’t surprising to learn she was undefeated in years of competition in Shotokan Karate.

Problem was…

Her Punches & Kicks Had ZERO POWER…
None Whatsoever!

After all her success she’d been led to believe she could handle any altercation. Yet in a real confrontation, her picture-perfect shots would have done nothing but piss somebody off because she sure wouldn’t have injured him!

So ingrained was her training that after the first two days of class she still hadn’t accepted the concept of using her bodyweight to generate power.

But late Saturday it all jelled.

And Sunday morning, during her first free-fighting session, she was absolutely devastating. These were her words:

“…VERY empowering…”

“I’ve trained martial arts 4-5 times a week for years and done a lot of tournament fighting. What I like about TFT Striking that was so different is the shift in mindset. In martial arts it’s all about points. When you put a punch, you stop and pull back. I became a typical headhunter, always hitting to the face as I’ve been taught as opposed to the groin or neck which could do so much more damage as I learned here. All my years of training taught me never to hit first and once I do hit, to stop and defend myself, not to do damage. Now, coming here, I realize I could kill someone if that’s what I need to defend myself. That’s empowering!

“I’m small and here I had to fight really big guys. When I applied the techniques of Striking I could easily take these guys down. It gives me a lot of confidence. I don’t feel helpless. If I’m in a group of guys now and somebody tried to grab me I know I’m not going to get hurt because now my thinking is first, ‘How am I going to hurt him?’ It’s a very good feeling, very empowering.”

Kris de Jesus, Accountant
Las Vegas, NV

That’s the power of Striking!

In a perfect world, we’d have released this new series before we released our Lethal Leverage product, even before our Nuclear Weapons series.

That’s because It truly IS the engine that drives everything leading to injury.

It takes you from hitting someone with a “baseball”… to hitting them with a truck!

This Program Gives You
The Tools Needed To Injure Him… Now!

As with all TFT programs, the primary function of this one is to give you the tools necessary to cause injury. And to do it very fast.

Again, the manual spells this out:

“Let’s be very clear: we are not trying to debunk or contradict any training or technique out there; the goal of this text and video is to educate you in striking to cause injury.”If you have previous experience or training, this information will enhance your skills and give you new ways to evaluate and apply what you already know.“If you have no experience whatsoever, it will give you the fundamental tools required to use your body as an impact weapon.

“Either way, our goal is to give you the tools that allow you to come out the other side of a violent situation alive and well.”

To this end, here’s just a fraction of unique material you’ll find in this new series:

  1. Why starting with the desired result (INJURY) and then working backwards… gives you a powerfully different perspective on Striking! For the first time you’ll understand the connection between a punch, a kick, a stick to the head, a stabbing, even a shooting!
  2. Why your martial arts master can break a pile bricks in class… but can’t injure an attacker on the street! It’s not fear of violence or lack of technique. And it’s obviously not lack of strength. It’s because breaking a brick or a board is NOTHING like “breaking” the human body! Get this one wrong… carelessly assume they’re one and the same… and you’re playing roulette — with your life!
  3. Why worrying about punching and kicking keeps you on the wrong side of the “violence” equation, focusing instead on what YOU are doing, personally. And the 1 thing that changes everything for you… instantly.
  4. The 7 immutable LAWS of Striking.
  5. 2 tactics that let you flatten any attacker by completely overwhelming his body’s auto-balancing mechanism.
  6. Multi-Strikes: making it seem like there’s 2 or 3 of you coming at him at once! But beware… leave out this one critical element and any multi-strike becomes absolutely WORTHLESS!
  7. How to become “a freight train with an I-beam welded to the front” — and the devastating results this lets you cause!
  8. How to knock ANYONE down… with ONE single Strike… to ANY target! Seems impossible, and it is, until you have this simple key.
  9. While injury is key… every strike MUST generate this SPECIFIC type of injury to be maximally effective!
  10. Why Striking is “All of you… All the time!”
  11. If it’s just his mass vs yours, and he’s bigger than you — you lose! But tweak things slightly and suddenly his mass doesn’t matter any more (it’s just simple physics — something we show you in minutes).
  12. 3 critical elements that make up the “Most Basic Strike.” Remove any one of these 3 or try to use any one in isolation… and the results become haphazard, inefficient, and totally determined by chance! But combine them all… and you produce injury — reliably — every single time!
  13. Why throwing your bodyweight into the man is only 1/2 the Striking equation of power. The other half (the half most leave out) doubles the impact… almost with no effort at all!
  14. When to use a “Snapping” punch; when to “Plow” right on through. Mix these 2 up when facing some brutal thug… and you may not walk away.
  15. Why striking is all about putting the maximal amount of Kinetic Energy (kE) into some bad-ass thug. And why it’s critical you know how to tap into the largest amount of kE you can lay your hands on… something you pack around with you every day of the year!
  16. When all’s said and done… the 4 word phrase that makes any Strike work! Get this right, and the rest falls in place. Ignore it and everything turns to chaos.
  17. The huge differentiating factor between you and a criminal sociopath: what it is and how you get it & turn it back on him. (If you don’t, he’s gonna walk away with whatever he wants almost every time!).
  18. Structure from the ground up: 3 cardinal rules you must never violate to guarantee your body doesn’t buckle from the force of your strike. Ignore any one and suffer a huge loss of power. (It’s why a big man may seem surprisingly weak while the 98-lb “weakling” topples a giant).
  19. Distilled down to its simplest terms: the ONE SECRET that guarantees you Strike with maximum force, every single time!
  20. The 1 thing you must always do when Striking to counter the fact the human body “reflexively” jerks away from injury!
  21. Why models of punching and kicking often ignore the physiology of the human body… with catastrophic results! Don’t make this mistake in your training.
  22. 3 things you can do that let you deny him control over his own body as well as predict what he will do next.
  23. How to make your Strike “stick.” (It’s all about vectors.) But you don’t need to be a college physics major to understand them. This Series breaks it down into 1-2-3, easy-to-follow steps that make it quick to learn and impossible to go wrong.
  24. Speed vs Structure: you can’t have them both so which will you choose? (Hint: one’s right 99% of the time).

TFT Striking describes what a metronome teaches you about dealing with violence, it answers the question: how many ways are there to kick a man in the groin? (the answer, contrary to what most teach… there’s just ONE!

The rest are all just techniques!), and it explains the exact distance you must be from an attacker to Strike with maximum force and power… and why most people are never at this distance! (In fact, it show why practically everyone is convinced they’re properly positioned even though they’re almost always too far away).

Get Target-Focus Training – Striking  at the CourseAvai

In addition, here’s more of what’s covered:

  1. The 3 (and only 3) times when you DON’T want to step into your target to generate injury.
  2. How to put a structurally sound part of your body onto a structurally UNsound part of his… with devastating results!
  3. Rhythm in violence? You bet! The 2 surprising benefits you instantly get when adding it to a Strike.
  4. Want to get “lucky” when Striking some punk? Then NEVER ignore this. It’s the most important consideration in violence!
  5. The crucial relationship between Potential EnergyKinetic Energy and Injury! Spend a couple minutes with these concepts and you’ll multiply your power geometrically (this is the huge advantage you have over some dimwit scumbag who never will get it). By the way: once you understand it, the relationship above can be summarized into one simple sentence you’ll never forget.
  6. Eliminating the potential for self-injury (how to stop doing the wrong stuff you probably learned as a kid).
  7. Dangerous or poor mechanics that rob you of power.
  8. The 1 real goal of criminal violence! It’s the concept we modeled Striking after. And if you expect your personal protection or self-defense system to work any time, every time, it better be modeled on this, too.
  9. The components of impact trauma, and how you can maximize them to cause debilitating injury!
  10. Why Striking is where Structural Dynamics & Sports Medicine collide!
  11. The secret to “hitting him in the jaw and breaking his wrist!” It’s school yard physics applied in the service of violence.
  12. Why you almost NEVER Strike targets with targets! (Yet almost everyone unwittingly trains this way).
  13. Discover the principles that make Striking the “base engine that drives all violence!” Hint: they’re the same ones that make any kind of injury in violence work.
  14. The little-known secret that “glues” his feet to the ground… assuring he falls in a crumpled heap, sustaining maximum injury. Simple, reliable physics gives you the trauma you want… every single time! Without it, you’re hoping he goes down. And leaving something to chance in violence is gambling with your life.
  15. How to dramatically increase your striking power to deliver 3 1/2 times your bodyweight in striking power.
  16. How to utilize follow-through to increase the man’s injuries.
  17. The 2 huge benefits penetration gives you (“keeping your distance” only seems like the safe place to be).
  18. And much, MUCH more…

The Most Complete Series Every Created
On Destroying Some Scumbag…
Using Only Your Own Body Tools!


This new TFT Striking series is built around the same innovative format we began using with TFT Joint Breaking. By putting the principles behind Striking on the first two DVDs, we effectively doubled the speed at which you absorbe this unique material.

Nick Smith, of Salt Lake City, Utah, commented, “The techniques you teach in the new Striking Series are easy to follow but would be completely ineffective if you hadn’t taken the time to first explain the principles behind them!

OK, so here’s what you get.

First, there are 4 DVDs plus a supplemental Manual.

As noted, your first two DVDs cover the basics: the definitions and explanations… all the principles behind the concepts!

Then DVDs 3 and 4 take you by the hand and lead you through lots of physical examples… 47 different coordination sets that explain, in detail, each aspect of striking.

These begin with the most elementary yet powerful striking movements (nope, they’re NOT punching and kicking, at least not as you know them) then weave through the entire spectrum of vertical and horizontal striking (including both of you fighting from the ground)!

You’ll also see the complete integration with other TFT programs!

For example, you indirectly learned about using body weight in TFT Lethal Leverage but here you’ll see explicitly how (and why) it’s the key to accomplishing those breaks!

And as with TFT Lethal Leverage, there’s an in-depth manual that supplements but does NOT duplicate what’s shown on the DVDs. It lets you see much more of the detail on some critical points without slowing the flow of the DVDs.

It’s a terrific reference resource that also contains examples there simply wasn’t room to squeeze onto the DVDs.

Get All Your Questions Answered…
LIVE… During A FREE Bonus Teleconference Call.

And, as we did with TFT Lethal Leverage, we’ll also include a special bonus teleconference certificate that let’s you join us on a live call where we’ll answer all your questions about this new series.

The Lethal Leverage teleconference call was one of the most popular (and most requested) we’ve ever done and we expect the Striking call to offer even more. More insights, more tips… the nuggets that only come from live question and answer, stuff that just couldn’t be squeezed onto the DVDs.

If you miss it, this call will be available to all TFT Striking owners as an .mp3 download for listening whenever you chose on your IPOD or other .mp3 device.

A Limited, Pre-Release Offer

Once released, this Program is set to sell for $247.00.

However, we want you to have a chance to sample it risk-free, to experience the shocking power you already posses (and the ease with which you can call it up). In short, to prove it’s everything you’ve just read… and MUCH more… totally on us.

So for now you can check this new program out… for FREE, if you like… for only $197.

You get the complete 4 DVD set…

You get the Manual…

You get the teleconference call certificate…

Everything… for just $197

If you prefer, there’s also an easy payment plan option — see the ordering information below.

And in case you’re wondering about SHIPPING… most everything goes out within 48 hours of your order!

And it doesn’t cost you a dime more to get this service… it’s our commitment to you!

You Get My Full, 365-Day Guarantee!
It Lets You Review TFT Striking..
Even For FREE…If You Like!

As with all our products, you take no risk whatsoever. I shoulder that burden.

You’ve got ONE FULL YEAR to try this Program… on me.

If TFT Striking isn’t exactly as I’ve described above… if it doesn’t put more power into every strike regardless of the situation (even if you only use it in your martial art), then send it back for a full refund of your purchase price (less shipping).

Whatever you choose, it’s your call!

And since you’ve gotten the Jeff Anderson (At-Home) Lethal Weapon Defense System system, I’d like to make you this additional…

STar Special Offer for Jeff Anderson Customers STar

For Jeff Anderson Customers Only:

The TFT Striking series normally sells for $197 but if you order from this page right now, you can nab a copy for a full $77.00 off its regular price. This means you can add it to your order right now for just $120! That means you get all 3 packages shown below for just $367, a very-real $522.00 off their $889.00 individual prices.

Or choose our new convenient payment plan… just 12 easy payments of $34.75/month. And remember, your entire package is delivered right to your door with your first payment.

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YesYES, Tim. I can’t wait to get my hands on this new Program…

and now’s the time to do it since you’re including all the special bonuses. Thanks for your 365 day risk-free money back guarantee. That takes all the pressure off and makes it an easy decision to get this Program now. And it gives me plenty of time to check out this package, even for FREE, if I choose. I look forward to getting it FAST too, since you usually ship these packages within 48 hours of getting my order. That’s cool!

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Target-Focus Training - Striking
Target-Focus Training – Striking
Original price was: $72.40.Current price is: $71.00. Add to cart