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18 Days ALL OUT Intensity. No Excuses. No BS. Just You and Me Baby, and the REAL Work of Exploding YOU Online.

Let’s get really real here today, really fast gorgeous.

First. Obvs. You know you were born for more, a fucking LOT more, something amazing in fact.

You know you have a message, a passion, a purpose. Something to SAY to the world and something that very well could CHANGE the world.

In short?


And deep down, deep down where sometimes it scares you, you suspect that if you really let yourself fly you’d be unstoppable.

The truth is … (don’t deny it: NO need for that around these parts!) you are a diva, a pain in the ass, a demanding and selfish bitch who wants everything, now if not sooner, and completely on her terms.


  • Can’t stand for small talk
  • Don’t wanna do housework
  • Feel like your very lifeforce is being drained from you if you have to engage in normal world activities for any length of time
  • And what you really want? If we’re being honest? (And I hope that we are) –


You want to be left alone.
To do your magic.
To figure your shit OUT.
You want all of the pressing needs and musts and demands of the world, of your business, of your relationships, of LIFE to just go. a. way.

So that you? Well. Isn’t it obvious?

You want to dream. Dream fucking BIG. You want to create. Create a LOT. You have this burning need … this desire … almost like a sense of urgency … to get stuff OUT there.

And the truth is that sometimes you don’t even know what it is you want to get out there! But you know it is powerful … and it IS urgent, you have to do it, if you don’t, if you don’t change things if you don’t change how you’re doing business, life, you, you don’t know if you can keep on going!

And it’s not about the money, not really. I mean yeah – reality is the way you’re doing things right now is not cutting it income wise. Largely because you’re not taking enough fucking action on what REALLY matters. You know I’m not just talking about being busy honey, am I?

I’m talking about doing the REAL work.

The work you tell yourself –

I can’t do that!
Not yet!
Not like THAT!
Not all the WAY!
I can’t SAY that!
I don’t have TIME for that!
I can’t AFFORD to do that!

So you put your head down and your butt up and you get to fucking work doing the busy work, running the race of life every day day in and day out the same old shit because hey – gotta keep that ball rolling, and hey! – you’re a busy and successful person, right?

You wanna know what I think?

You are a fucking revolutionary LEADER who was born to rule the world and right now you are RUNNING FROM YOUR DESTINY.

And here’s what else:

You’re sticking your head so damn far in the sand that if you don’t stand up, wake up, SHAKE yourself up NOW then you may just end up sucked so far down you never get OUT again.

Newsflash my kickass revolutionary soul sister, and a SWEET reminder of love:

Just because you HAVE a calling, just because you were born to lead a revolution DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE OR EVEN THAT YOU WILL.

You want it then YOU have to change things, and it has to be now.

You want a different outcome, to do the stuff that actually MATTERS, to unleash the real you and do the real work then you’re going to have to DO THE REAL WORK.

Which means you’re going to have to be chaotic –

Arrogant –

Selfish –

Demanding –

About NOT doing all of the other stuff. You know you can give your LIFE for stuff, don’t you? It’s very very very dangerously easy to do in fact.

AND RIGHT NOW – If I’m not mistaken entirely – it is EXACTLY what you are doing.

And I for one have had enough of it sister. I won’t stand for this shit. Not in me, and not in you. YOUR LIFE IS TOO IMPORTANT FOR THIS SHIT.

Did you forget?

Your dreams are ALL THE WAY possible.
You have permission.
You can do WHATEVER you set your mind to.
But if you want it then you’re going to have to fucking go and TAKE it bitch and yes I will get angry with you about it because this is your FUCKING LIFE and right now you are GIVING your life for whatever it is you’re doing, or not doing, and ARE YOU OKAY WITH THAT RIGHT NOW?


A hustle.

And when I say a hustle?


18 days.

You and me baby.

No excuses.

No BS.

Just real. fucking. work.

The Selfish Bitch Hustle:

18 Days ALL the Way Intensity. No Excuses. No BS. Just You and Me Baby, and the REAL Work of Exploding YOU Online.

YOU. 18 days.

You will commit all out to 18 days of doing the real fucking work necessary to take your business, your life and YOU to where you ACTUALLY want to go as the fucking revolutionary leader you are. Time commitment will be 1-2 hours a day. YOU commitment, in terms of who you are and how you OWN that, will be everything.

Stripped back bare.

This means that first you will need to be stripped back and have the real you unleashed. Aka: you need clarity and explosive confidence around what it is you actually want. I will get this out of you (keep reading).

TRUST, gorgeous.

You will trust in what I have to say about what it takes to BE the fucking revolutionary leader you are. You will have to fucking LEAP sister, with everything that you do.

Kill the bitch.

You will have to look fear, confrontation, overwhelm, what if, I don’t know how, I don’t know if I can, etc, in the eye and be willing to kill that bitch and move forward anyway.


But if you can … here’s what I have for you.

Here is how the #selfishbitchhustle is going to go down.

Daily In Your Face Selfish Bitch Hustle Smackdown of Love

Every day you’ll receive some kind of smackdown of love from me. An explosion of truth. Whatever it needs to be. This will be about –

  • Accountability
  • Reality of what it takes
  • Pulling you away from the resistance and busy work
  • Getting you in the zone and into ACTION
  • Clarity and confidence around who you really are and how you want to live your life
  • PAINFUL FUCKING TRUTH if necessary to do with getting your head in the game and your ass into action now
  • Calling you on the BS, the shit, the stuff that you would give your LIFE for in lieu of what you’re called to do

Our #laserasskickery hustle topics are:

  1. Giving yourself permission to do what you actually want, and be who you actually are
  2. The only daily actions you actually need to explode your business
  3. Sabotage around food and body stuff, how it ties back in to alignment and what to do around it
  4. Creators gotta create smackdown: how to be a content machine and why it is ESSENTIAL if you are serious about making the big $$
  5. Partner insanity: the truth about being in a relationship as a driven, demanding, selfish bitch
  6. Unleashing brand you: what you need to know, and do, to step up as a leader and have a tribe of would die for you followers who love everything you do
  7. Revolution, bitch: mapping out the ALL of what you’re actually here for, and how to get it
  8. Being different, and okay with it
  9. Confrontation and fear smackdown: how to act in the face of it, and THROUGH it
  10. BEING the woman who lives this life, already and automatically

You listen to what I’m going to hit you with here, and you act on it from your CORE and this shit will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

And I don’t think it’s too much to say it could very well SAVE your life, the life you were born for.

You say you were born for more? Well when are you going to go GET it sister?

You say you want it all? Well when are you going to stand the fuck UP then?

One massive beyond-awesome extra fucking extraordinary ROUnd the clock hustle!

In one 24-hour period of awesome, including very much likely an all-nighter or damn close to, we will get ALL the big and little and in between shiz in your biz SORTED.

All the stuff you’ve been holding on to and insisting you’re going to get done … but yet been seeing on your list for MONTHS now … will be GONE!


For real baby! It will either be delegated, deleted or DONE, and all within 24 hours! I will kick your ass through exactly how to do this and also exactly what NEEDS to actually be done, vs deleted or delegated AND I’ll even guide you through how to do it all! Especially the big stuff.

Can you imagine how fucking INCREDIBLE it would feel to know that every idea, every thing, every ‘must’, every leveraged and automated item you’ve SAID you were going to do because you KNOW it would impact you MASSIVELY if only you could get the fuck out of your own way was just … done?!

Well … stuff imagining, we’re going to make it happen! This ALONE, I am pretty sure, makes the #selfishbitchhustle a total no brainer!

So … feeling ready and amped? First, this … and if it speaks to you? Then yes. I’d say you need to join us!

Hell YES? If not: then leave.

REALITY: You say you freaking well BELIEVE in yourself, don’t you? Well. what. the. actual. FUCK. are you doing not acting on it then?!


You are a selfish bitch.

You do want it all.

Your desires ARE crazy, unreasonable, too much, impossible even!


And yet this is who you ARE.

And yet you will never, ever, EVER be satisfied not chasing after this.

So stand up warrior.

WAKE up princess.

STEP up leader.

And say yes.

Finally and FULLY.

To BEING the warrior princess fucking REVOLUTIONARY leader you are. To UNLEASHING the awesome from within you. To sharing what you need to share. To creating what you need to create. To living what you need to fucking live and to BEING who you need to be.

Every second you waste now is more than you can take. You know this. You can NOT afford to take even one more day to live the wrong life and to not step INTO you and the truth is it’s a helluva lot easier than you might think to actually have it all.

So let’s DO this.

The Selfish Bitch Hustle. (Cost)

18 days of MEGA intensity together. You and me baby. No BS. No excuses. Just the REAL. fucking. WORK.

You know me. I like to go insanely over the top. I am a woman of excess! My philosophy when I create online stuff is HOW MUCH CAN I GIVE. I get off on giving so much that it would blow your mind!

So as much as I could charge whatever I could charge, heck probably $997 given the amount of personal time you and I will spend together, never mind the private smackdown laserkickassery session, you know I’m not going to do $997, not going to do $497, not going to even do $297 which feels maybe about right, but I’m going to keep it really simple and really HELL YEAH IF THIS SPEAKING TO YOU THEN WHY WOULD YOU NOT, and so here it is –

The Selfish Bitch Hustle:

18 Days ALL the Way Intensity. No Excuses. No BS. Just You and Me Baby, and the REAL Work of Exploding YOU Online.

YOU. 18 days.

You will commit all out to 18 days of doing the real fucking work necessary to take your business, your life and YOU to where you ACTUALLY want to go as the fucking revolutionary leader you are. Time commitment will be 1-2 hours a day. YOU commitment, in terms of who you are and how you OWN that, will be everything.

Stripped back bare.

This means that first you will need to be stripped back and have the real you unleashed. Aka: you need clarity and explosive confidence around what it is you actually want. I will get this out of you (keep reading).

TRUST, gorgeous.

You will trust in what I have to say about what it takes to BE the fucking revolutionary leader you are. You will have to fucking LEAP sister, with everything that you do.

Kill the bitch.

You will have to look fear, confrontation, overwhelm, what if, I don’t know how, I don’t know if I can, etc, in the eye and be willing to kill that bitch and move forward anyway.


But if you can … here’s what I have for you.

ONE initiation, and your tailored hustle plan – you and I, together, one on one.

You will bare your soul to me via either a phone or Skype #laserasskickery coaching session, or a live Facebook private message chat (your choice). What this means: we have a conversation of raw truth and I pull out the core of who you are. FAST. That’s what I do.

I will help you uncover your true purpose, as well as why you’re hiding from it and where you’re stuck, and get to the POINT of exactly, precisely, right now what you need to do to move forward. I can’t explain the power of what I do here. Words are my magic, reading people is another. Combine the two and I will pull stuff out of you that you’ve managed to push down for years, even your whole life.

NOTE re this session: doors close in 4 days! … private #laserasskickery sessions only available to the first 50 sign ups so if you want it then DON’T WAIT!


You will receive 2-3 pieces of specific, personalised, scary and highly EXCITING advice on exactly what you need to do to go ALL the way to your dreams. I’m talking however big your dream, whatever the money goal is, whatever the you as leader goal is, all of it.

The above 2 items ALONE will, if you act on them, net you thousands if not hundreds of thousands of and beyond dollars in hard cash return over time. And we’ve not even spoken about what they’ll do for you on a soul alignment and FULFILLMENT level, which is EVERYTHING.

But this is just where our hustle begins.


Here is how the #selfishbitchhustle is going to go down.

Daily In Your Face Selfish Bitch Hustle Smackdown of Love

Every day you’ll receive some kind of smackdown of love from me. An explosion of truth. Whatever it needs to be. This will be about –

  • Accountability
  • Reality of what it takes
  • Pulling you away from the resistance and busy work
  • Getting you in the zone and into ACTION
  • Clarity and confidence around who you really are and how you want to live your life
  • PAINFUL FUCKING TRUTH if necessary to do with getting your head in the game and your ass into action now
  • Calling you on the BS, the shit, the stuff that you would give your LIFE for in lieu of what you’re called to do

Ten  – Yes ten – Laserasskickery Hustle Audio smackdowns to get you in flow and beyond action!

You will receive 10 x #laserasskickery audios. Think short, not so sweet, in your face truths and empowerment around what you actually need to do and how to do it. These are yours to listen to as and when you need, and keep forever.

Our #laserasskickery hustle topics are:

  1. Giving yourself permission to do what you actually want, and be who you actually are
  2. The only daily actions you actually need to explode your business
  3. Sabotage around food and body stuff, how it ties back in to alignment and what to do around it
  4. Creators gotta create smackdown: how to be a content machine and why it is ESSENTIAL if you are serious about making the big $$
  5. Partner insanity: the truth about being in a relationship as a driven, demanding, selfish bitch
  6. Unleashing brand you: what you need to know, and do, to step up as a leader and have a tribe of would die for you followers who love everything you do
  7. Revolution, bitch: mapping out the ALL of what you’re actually here for, and how to get it
  8. Being different, and okay with it
  9. Confrontation and fear smackdown: how to act in the face of it, and THROUGH it
  10. BEING the woman who lives this life, already and automatically

You listen to what I’m going to hit you with here, and you act on it from your CORE and this shit will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

And I don’t think it’s too much to say it could very well SAVE your life, the life you were born for.

You say you were born for more? Well when are you going to go GET it sister?

You say you want it all? Well when are you going to stand the fuck UP then?

One massive beyond-awesome extra fucking extraordinary ROUnd the clock hustle!

In one 24-hour period of awesome, including very much likely an all-nighter or damn close to, we will get ALL the big and little and in between shiz in your biz SORTED.

All the stuff you’ve been holding on to and insisting you’re going to get done … but yet been seeing on your list for MONTHS now … will be GONE!


For real baby! It will either be delegated, deleted or DONE, and all within 24 hours! I will kick your ass through exactly how to do this and also exactly what NEEDS to actually be done, vs deleted or delegated AND I’ll even guide you through how to do it all! Especially the big stuff.

Can you imagine how fucking INCREDIBLE it would feel to know that every idea, every thing, every ‘must’, every leveraged and automated item you’ve SAID you were going to do because you KNOW it would impact you MASSIVELY if only you could get the fuck out of your own way was just … done?!

Well … stuff imagining, we’re going to make it happen! This ALONE, I am pretty sure, makes the #selfishbitchhustle a total no brainer!


If so, then it’s really fucking simple, isn’t it?

You were born for more.

You know it.

And now you’re ready to go get it.

So let’s roll sister. Let’s face up to who we really are, the diva, the demanding, the selfish, the warrior, the fucking revolutionary LEADER, the woman who wants it all.

Can have it all.

And is reaching out to take it all.

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Selfish Bitch Hustle | eSy[GB]
Selfish Bitch Hustle – Katrina Ruth
Original price was: $67.00.Current price is: $23.00. Add to cart