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Hello and welcome. My name is Winton Churchill.

I'm excited to invite you to participate here—this is for anyone interested in having an income they can easily take overseas.

I'm talking about this today because an income revolution is underway right now, which is completely upending our understanding of how successful people earn…

It's overturning the relationship between "boss" and "employee"…

…and it's creating a situation where you can be much more in control of when and how and where you earn…

In fact, this revolution is changing the nature of "work" altogether.

Now I realize that may sound rather radical. But I'm really not overstating the issue—because this income revolution is creating incredible opportunities today…

…opportunities for people who want more flexibility…more freedom…and more control over how they earn, where they earn, and when they earn.

I'm going to explain how it's playing out in a second here. And when I'm done, you'll see clearly how it's possible to capitalize on this disruption.

This revolution is forging earning tools that simply didn't exist in the past. And it's tossing up all kinds of profitable opportunities.

The trick, of course, is knowing how to spot them and grab them. The people who know how to do that will benefit the most.

And that's what I want to show you: How you can turn this revolution to your advantage, quickly, easily, and profitably.

I want to talk with you about this because I suspect you are where I was just a few years ago.

What I mean is: You're ready to have more control over your time, your income, and your life.

And with the kind of go-anywhere income I'm going to talk about—the kind of income this revolution is creating—you can gain control and freedom…

And you could fund a very good life overseas.

You might work in the morning while your housekeeper tidies up and makes you breakfast…and then spend the afternoon at the beach… or on the golf course…

This income revolution could hand you the flexibility to spend a few months a year in France…or Ecuador…or on a beach in Costa Rica…or Belize…

Maybe you'd like to rent a place in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico for a few months each year—which is what I do…

My point is: When you earn income in the way I'm going to talk about here today—when you put this revolution to work for you—then you're in the driver's seat.

And that means you have the control to make your life look the way you want it to.

Think about it: What if you could move overseas with the confidence that you could comfortably fund your life while you're there?

The income you earn might pay for your maid and gardener…or for weekly massages…or rounds of golf…or a vacation anytime you feel like taking off…

This kind of income is an ideal "cushion"…and it's something you could start earning 21 days from now (or even less).

Start Earning FAST

Within three weeks from today, you could have everything you need in place to start earning an income doing something you already know how to do.

Taking advantage of this income revolution, you could pocket a few hundred—or even a few thousand—dollars a month, working when you want to work.

  • You do NOT need to learn any complex new skills!
  • You do NOT need a pile of money to get started!
  • You do NOT need to chase some "pie in the sky" fantasy program that promises a million dollars while you sleep!

My point is: This is a proven, real-world way to get paid overseas…so you can have an income that goes with you anywhere you want to be.

I'm talking about earning in a global marketplace doing something you already know how to do.

I've done it—and I've helped hundreds of other people like you do it, too.

I'll tell you more about how in just a minute.

But first, let me explain how I've set this up so you know what to expect.

I'm going to show you today how you can start earning a go-anywhere income within 3 weeks or less…

…a way you can get paid overseas—or anywhere you want to call home—using a skill you already have…

Now I know you may be thinking: "What I do isn't portable—I don't have any skills that translate online."

But please, stick with me here—because I'm willing to bet that, in fact—you DO.

This earning revolution I'm talking about allows you to tap into almost any skill, experience, or interest you have…and create from it a "portable" profit center.

I think you'll be amazed—and pleasantly so—at all the different sorts of things you can turn into income on a laptop in this global marketplace…

I'm talking about your skills, your work background, and even your hobbies and talents.

This income revolution has made them valuable in a way you don't likely realize. What I'm saying is: You have income-earning potential you don't know about.

And the best part of this equation is that, as a Baby Boomer, you actually have a few advantages that younger people don't have.

So you're well positioned to profit this way…it's just a matter of understanding how it all works.

And that's what I'd like to show you.

Now before we jump in, I want to be clear: I am going to have a special offer at the end for people who qualify for this kind of portable income overseas—or feel they qualify.

And I want to acknowledge right up front here: This kind of go-anywhere income is not right for everybody.

But here's my promise to you:

In this presentation, I'm going to educate you about the income revolution underway today.

And I'm going to show you how it has created new earning opportunities you can take advantage of to fund a good life overseas.

And I'm going to help you determine whether this could be right for you—or not.

I'll also tell you a little about my background.

I'll explain how I found myself earning an income from my home in Mexico.

And I'll tell you how I ended up helping first friends and colleagues—and then lots of other folks just like you—do the same.

I'll explain how this income revolution came about, I'll talk about the casualties it's left in its wake…and I'll point to the many new opportunities it's created.

We'll explore what this very flexible—and infinitely portable—income opportunity is…and what it is not.

Then you and I are going to go through a self-assessment, essentially. I'll walk you through it.

That way you can make the decision about whether this could be right for you.

And finally, I'll explain how to take advantage of this opportunity should you feel it is right for you.

So, first…just a quick bit about my background…

How I Took the "American Dream" on the Road

I was a marketing guy for a lot of years—worked at Apple early on with Steve Jobs and the team helping move it from an educational company into the business world.

And I worked with a lot of other companies you've probably heard of too—you can see some of them here on the screen.

Truth is, I was living "the American Dream" in Brentwood, a swank neighborhood in L.A.

One day at my local coffee shop, I looked around and realized I was the only person in line who didn't have my own TV show.

So, you know, you could say I had "made it."

But life is funny and can take unexpected turns.

My fiancé came home from vacation one day having signed a purchase agreement for a condo overlooking the Pacific in Mexico and wanted to move there…

…and I had to figure out a way to do that—and still earn an income.

So—with some trial and error—I did it. I figured it out.

Then the bottom fell out of the U.S. economy.

Friends—most of whom had thought I was nuts when I left the States initially—started calling me and asking how they could do what I'd done…

They wanted to know how they could earn an income from home…or from anywhere.

That's when I started developing a formula designed to help anybody—no matter what your background is—earn a portable income.

Now, in fact, this formula is only possible because of the income revolution I keep mentioning.

So let's talk about that for a minute…

What Is This "Income Revolution," Anyway?

In the old world, pre-income-revolution, pretty much everybody had to go to a building to earn a living.

They went to an office or a factory or a school or a shop or a hospital. They had to leave home.

And they put up with horrible commutes, crazy bosses, and brutal hours because, well, that's what you did to earn a living. (And, of course, lots of people still do this.)

But then something happened, which ushered in an era of much greater flexibility—and I would argue opportunity.

That something was the economic collapse of 2008, which effectively triggered the beginning of this income revolution.

It triggered a fundamental change in the way people can earn.

I say that because that crash effectively blew up the status quo.

Think about it: It used to be that the term "freelancer" was sort of frowned upon outside of a few professions like journalist or graphic designer.

It was often seen as code for "doesn't have a real job" or even associated with people who were unreliable or unprofessional. But that's not the case today.

When the economy tanked in 2008, that decimated the staff positions at tens of thousands of companies…2.6 million people lost their jobs in a single year.

Yet all that work that used to be done in-house—it still needs doing.

And an "insider's industry" has grown up to do it. Businesses are turning to freelancers to get all the work done.

For them, it makes sense. It saves them money, it's faster to get somebody hired, and they have access to talent they wouldn't otherwise.

And it can make sense for you, too, because YOU can be that talent.

What I'm talking about here is a way for you to take your skills as an independent worker, and market them to these businesses on the global marketplace.

Really—more than 200 marketplaces—where you can offer up the skills you have to folks eager to pay for exactly what you can provide.

These marketplaces are called "job and project networks" and they offer big opportunity.

They're essentially online clearinghouses for jobs and projects that need doing.

And I want to be clear: businesses on these networks aren't hiring freelancers for "cheap work."

They're hiring them because they offer experience and expertise that can help those businesses reach their goals faster.

A report in Business Insider put it this way: "Just like Amazon Prime delivers you an inflatable mattress the day before your friends arrive at your house, these online work platforms let businesses—especially small businesses—get the skills they need when they need them, without having to bring someone on full-time."

Organizations post what it is they need done…and people like you do it for them.

One of these networks alone has 3 million projects a year posted on it. Last year, it acted as a clearinghouse for $1 billion worth of work.

Combine all the networks, and you have over a million assignments every month to choose from, assignments paying anywhere from $5 to $10,000 or more

And you can do them from anywhere in the world.

The Wall Street Journal has called this: "The biggest unrecognized opportunity in the sharing economy."

And I'd like to show you how you can grab your piece of it.

According to a recent study, 95% of businesses today view this new workforce as a key part of running a successful business.

By 2020, research indicates, more than 40% of the American workforce will be independent workers.

Now that really IS revolutionary…

But I realize: You may be sitting there thinking to yourself, "What could I possibly do to get paid online?"

Well, let me tell you…

People Just Like You Are Already Earning This Way

Most Baby Boomers who have worked for 30 or 40 years are surprised to discover that they really DO have skills that translate into a go-anywhere income.

And I'm willing to bet you do, too. It's simply a matter of thinking about what you know how—and like—to do in a new way.

I'll explain how you do that in just a minute.

What I want you to understand, though, is that right now—there are people making money worldwide in this global marketplace.

People just like you who have transferred their experiences and skills and interests to earn an income online.

They're putting in a few hours a day (or a couple days a week or maybe a couple of weeks a month) and not just earning, but enjoying themselves a LOT!

Some of them are living in Anytown, USA, working from home and cashing checks— no commute necessary.

Others are floating around on cruise ships. Some are touring the country in their RVs.

Some of them (like me) are living in their own version of paradise overseas.

You could do exactly the same thing…starting immediately.

And pocket a few hundred or a few thousand dollars a month getting paid to do something you're qualified to do…

…and do it on your own terms, your own time, and your own schedule.

To be clear, I'm talking about all kinds of projects you can get paid for…article writing…administrative tasks and support (including data entry)…sales writing (or copywriting)…technical writing…

Legal research…eBay selling…translation… resume writing…project management…financial forecasting…business analysis…telephone handling…customer service…

All kinds and languages of computer programming…accounting…teaching or training…creating lesson plans…graphic or web design…proofreading…

Even inventory management…photography… Power Point slide creation…market research…tax preparation…spreadsheet making…event planning…and lots, lots more, too…

You, Too, Could Fund Your Overseas Life This Way

Take one woman I know. She's a retired school teacher living in Mexico who's using my formula to earn what she calls "M&M money."

It's not for the candy. It's money for massages and margaritas.

She's augmenting her retirement income in just a handful of hours a month, working from her new home overseas.

Once she's got the few hundred bucks she's looking for, she takes the rest of the month off.

She can travel for a few weeks if she wants…and then when she comes home, get back to it and generate another few hundred dollars.

No clock to punch. She just works when she wants. And for her, that means having enough to fund those extras…provide a little cushion…keep her comfortably in massages and margaritas…

But this powerful formula can provide much more than modest "M&M" money.

In fact, you could pocket $600… $1,000… $5,000…or even more every month. And with skills you already have!

So let's talk about the benefits. With this kind of income, you gain…

  • Flexibility—you decide when, where, and how often you work.
  • You gain income—my formula shows you how to maximize what you earn without doing any more work and how to have assignments come to you so you don't have to spend time looking for projects.
  • And you gain control—no more boss, no more commute. You gain control over the way you spend your days, how you work, and how much you earn, too.

So my question for you is: Based on what you've heard so far about this income revolution and the ways to profit from it…are you interested in this opportunity?

Gain Flexibility, Control, and Income

If you're eager to gain some flexibility and control over your income—the ability to earn from anywhere—then I hope that you ARE interested…and that you'll continue to stick with me here…

Because this really IS the fastest, easiest way to start earning a portable income you can take with you wherever you want to be.

As I said earlier—you can be earning in 21 days or less.

In fact, my special formula hands you the tools and step-by-step guidance you need to "hang your own shingle out"—within four hours.

Quite literally, you could be "in the game" by this time tomorrow. And that's no exaggeration.

Now I want to say: I'm not really here to sell you on freelancing—though maybe I've done that.

What I want to do here is help you understand how the income revolution has changed the earning world and help you determine whether this kind of income you can access today is right for you or not.

Because again, it isn't right for everybody—though I want to be clear: Pretty much anybody CAN do it.

Does It Make Sense for You? Find Out Here…

To determine whether this makes sense for you, I want to get to that "self-assessment" I mentioned earlier.

Over the next few minutes, I'm going to present you with a series of questions to help you determine whether or not a freelance, go-anywhere income is for you.

There are 9 questions altogether. You'll answer "yes" or "no" to each of them and score yourself a 1 for "yes" and a 0 for "no."

If you don't have a pen and paper handy—go grab them now so you can keep track of your score.

So here is how this works. I'm about to list the qualities you need to be a successful freelancer earning on these "job and project networks" and pocketing an income that's flexible and portable and which you control.

And then once you've answered all nine questions, I'll give you the score that I'd call the minimum requirement for somebody looking to successfully earn an income as a freelancer working from home on these "job and project networks."

And then you can see how you measure up.

I should say, too—that even if you go through this self-selecting process and your points don't meet the minimum—that doesn't mean you can't be successful freelancing.

This exercise is simply an indication of success—a guide.

OK—are you ready? Let's go…

My 9 Questions for You

Question # 1 – Are you able to work independently on a laptop without a "boss" looking over your shoulder? In other words, are you willing to do a project without being micro-managed?

Do you feel like you're self-motivated enough to do that?

If you answered YES, assign yourself 1 point.

Question # 2 – Do you know how to order things on Amazon or send an email?

I ask this because that's about the level of technical skill you need to get yourself set up and running well on these "job and project networks."

People will tell me, "I'm not technically inclined, I could never freelance on any sort of 'global marketplace.'"

And I am saying: You don't have to be any sort of tech-savvy person.

So the question is: Do you have basic computer skills—at a level where you can order things on Amazon or send an email?

If you answered YES, assign yourself 1 point.

Question # 3 – Do you consider yourself a pretty organized person? What I mean is, could you create a to-do list and prioritize it?

Could you keep track of tasks that need doing and make sure they get done—by you or by somebody else?

(Your experience here doesn't have to be professional—if you've ever managed a child's activity schedule or a house remodel, you're organized!)

If your answer is YES, assign yourself 1 point.

Question # 4 – Are you able to do a simple Google search? This probably seems like a silly question, but here's the thing: You can get paid to help people do research.

And it's not hard to do—you simply need to be able to find the right facts and prioritize them. So, can you use Google to find answers to questions?

If your answer is YES, assign yourself 1 point.

Question # 5 – Are you able to proofread? I'm not asking for high-level grammar know-how here.

I'm just curious about whether you'd catch typos or misspelled or missing words in a document.

If you're the kind of person who notices little errors like that, then answer YES and give yourself 1 point.

Question # 6 – Have you ever been a teacher or taught anybody anything? And I really do mean anything.

Now maybe you were a classroom teacher or a professor in your professional career —maybe you still are. Great, answer YES.

But you can also answer YES if you've ever taught a grandchild how to golf or your neighbor how to bake an upside down cake.

If you can teach—no matter what the subject or format may be—assign yourself 1 point.

Question # 7 – Are you good with numbers or bookkeeping? You can earn with projects that involve tasks like building spreadsheets or looking for trends in data.

If you know how to use QuickBooks or Quicken, that's a plus.

But I've even seen folks paid to come up with sample math practice problems for elementary-school kids!

So if you're comfortable with numbers, then answer YES and give yourself 1 point.

Question # 8 – Are you able to complete a task on time? One key to success as a freelancer is simply being responsible.

It requires managing your time so that your work is turned in when you say it will be.

Remember, as a freelancer, you've got control.

So if you don't want to be pressured, you can take work that has plenty of time for completion.

If you don't want to work because you're going on vacation, you don't have to.

You're in the driver's seat—you work, remember, when you want…not when some "boss" tells you to.

So, given that scenario—will you be able to complete a task on time?

If you answered YES, assign yourself 1 point.

Question # 9 – Do you consider yourself a polite communicator? Are you able to write an email or call and leave a voicemail?

This probably sounds silly, I realize, but here's the thing—and you'll get this if you're a Baby Boomer, particularly.

Younger folks, they often don't communicate as well as they should.

They don't send a "thanks, got it" email when somebody sends something they need.

They're reluctant to pick up the phone and have a call.

But if you've spent a lifetime developing polite communication skills, this can really give you a leg up as a freelancer.

I like to call it the "Baby Boomer Freelance Advantage."

Though really, you don't have to be heading toward retirement to get a point for this.

If you're a polite communicator of any age—and you answered YES—assign yourself 1 point.

So there are a total of 9 possible points. Nobody is expected to score all of those points.

Right now, go ahead and total up your score.

All right, great.

How Did You Score?

If you scored a 6 or higher, I consider you to be a good candidate for a portable income earning with skills you already have on these "job and project networks."

Now just because you scored below that—I don't want to discourage you.

Because if you have a burning desire to do this…to quickly start earning with an income that's portable—I believe you can.

There is no end to the variety of tasks you can get paid for. So please stick with me here.


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21 Days to Your Freelancing Success Abroad – Winton Churchill
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